Mortal Kombat 1

A new update for Mortal Kombat 1, known as Update 1.003.001, has recently been released. This update is accessible across all gaming platforms, as well as on PC. Players can now download this update, which introduces bug fixes, improvement updates, and patch notes for the game. It is worth noting that the file size of this update may differ depending on the gaming platform being used.

Mortal Kombat 1 Update 1.003.001: Game Updates and Patch Notes

General Fixes & Adjustments

Move list corrections & Localization fixes

  • This update includes corrections to move lists and localization issues, ensuring that players have accurate information about each character’s moves and abilities.

AI adjustments & improvements

  • The AI has been adjusted and improved to provide a more challenging and engaging gameplay experience. Players can expect smarter and more strategic AI opponents.

Improvements to Screen Reader functionality

  • The update includes improvements to the Screen Reader functionality, making the game more accessible for visually impaired players. This enhancement ensures that game information is properly communicated through the Screen Reader.

Added Peacemaker Roster Character

  • A new character named Peacemaker has been added to the game’s roster. Players can now select Peacemaker and utilize his unique abilities and moves in battles.

Added Janet Cage Kameo Character (Available March 2024)

  • A new Kameo character named Janet Cage will be added to the game in March 2024. Players can look forward to playing with this character and exploring her unique abilities.

Added UMK3 skins for Scorpion, Reptile, & Smoke and MK3 Skin for Sub-Zero

  • Players can now unlock classic skins from Mortal Kombat 3 (UMK3) and Mortal Kombat 3 (MK3) for various characters. These skins allow players to customize their favorite characters with nostalgic appearances.

Fixed several visual issues with brutalities

  • Visual issues related to brutalities have been fixed, ensuring that players can enjoy the full visual impact of these powerful finishing moves.

Fixed visual issues with several projectiles after being reflected

  • Issues with visual effects on projectiles after being reflected have been resolved. Players will now see a correct representation of the reflected projectiles.

Fixed issue with cloth physics becoming active on frozen opponents during the in-game Fatal Blow attacks

  • A bug that caused cloth physics to activate on frozen opponents during Fatal Blow attacks has been fixed. This ensures that character animations are accurate and consistent during gameplay.

Match Timer now resumes immediately if a Fatal Blow misses or is blocked

  • Previously, there was a delay in the Match Timer when a Fatal Blow missed or was blocked. This delay has been removed, and the Match Timer now resumes immediately, ensuring a smooth and uninterrupted gameplay experience.

Added Kameo Form sound option to Accessibility Extra Audio Feedback Settings

  • An option to enable Kameo Form sound has been added to the Accessibility Extra Audio Feedback Settings. This allows players to customize their audio experience and receive audio cues specific to Kameo Form.

Fixed issue with Up Block vulnerability persisting after knockdown if some wakeup attacks were performed

  • A bug that caused Up Block vulnerability to persist after knockdown if certain wakeup attacks were performed has been fixed. This ensures that players have fair and consistent defensive options during gameplay.

Fixed rare issue near arena corners that could result in excessively long delay before a turnaround occurs

  • A rare issue near arena corners that caused an excessively long delay before a turnaround occurred has been resolved. This ensures that gameplay remains smooth and responsive in all areas of the arena.

Using a Breaker while a Kameo Summon is being performed will now always put the Kameo on cooldown

  • Previously, there was a chance that using a Breaker while a Kameo Summon was being performed would not put the Kameo on cooldown. This has been fixed, ensuring that the Kameo is properly affected by Breakers.

Online Fixes and Adjustments

Players can now manually link a game profile to a WB Friends Account

  • A new feature has been added that allows players to manually link their game profile to a WB Friends Account. This feature enhances the social experience and allows players to connect with friends and manage their WB Friend Account.

Added Social Menu where players can add others to their WB Friend List & manage their WB Friend Account

  • A Social Menu has been added to the game, providing players with the ability to add other players to their WB Friend List and manage their WB Friend Account. This menu enhances the social interaction between players and facilitates easier communication and connection.

Added Krossplay support (PC, Xbox Series X/S, & PlayStation 5 versions) to Private Versus Matches

  • Krossplay support has been added to Private Versus Matches, allowing players on different platforms (PC, Xbox Series X/S, and PlayStation 5) to play against each other. This feature promotes cross-platform gameplay and expands the player base for Private Versus Matches.

Added Krossplay support (PC, Xbox Series X/S, & PlayStation 5 versions) to Ranked Kombat League & Kasual Versus matchmaking

  • Krossplay support has also been added to Ranked Kombat League and Kasual Versus matchmaking, enabling players on different platforms to compete against each other in ranked matches and casual matches. This enhances the matchmaking experience and allows for a more diverse and challenging player pool.

Fixed rare issue where UI & Announcer timing could be mismatched at round start in online matches

  • A rare issue that caused UI and Announcer timing to be mismatched at round start in online matches has been fixed. This ensures that players receive accurate and synchronized information during online gameplay.

Fixed rare issue where health could be slightly visually incorrect for a few frames after losing a round during some Fatal Blow cinematics

  • A bug that caused the health bar to be slightly visually incorrect for a few frames after losing a round during certain Fatal Blow cinematics has been resolved. Players will now see correct and consistent health bar information during gameplay.

Fixed online rollback issue with characters’ visuals changing when blocking certain brutalities starting attacks while at low health

  • An issue with online rollback that caused characters’ visuals to change when blocking certain brutalities starting attacks while at low health has been fixed. This ensures that players see correct and consistent character visuals during online matches.

Adjusted Match found sound when looking for a Kombat League match

  • The Match found sound when looking for a Kombat League match has been adjusted for better audio feedback. This enhances the matchmaking experience and provides clearer indications to players.
  • Fixed an online issue that caused framerate to drop when the opponent continuously pauses during the match.
  • A bug that caused framerate to drop when the opponent continuously paused during the match in an online setting has been fixed. This ensures smoother and more consistent gameplay during online matches.

Invasions Fixes and Adjustments

Added in-game HUD indicators showing Invasion Character Level & Elemental Types for the player & their opponent.

  • HUD indicators have been added to the game, displaying the Invasion Character Level and Elemental Types for both the player and their opponent. This provides useful information for strategizing and preparing for battles in Invasion mode.

Added in-game HUD indicators displaying Modifiers active during a match

  • HUD indicators have been added to the game, displaying the Modifiers that are active during a match in Invasion mode. This allows players to easily determine the effects and challenges posed by different Modifiers.

Significantly increased Fighter & Kameo Mastery XP base rewards per Encounter, which are no longer repeatable and are no longer subject to diminishing returns if the opponent is a lower level

  • The base rewards for Fighter and Kameo Mastery XP have been significantly increased per Encounter in Invasion mode. These rewards are no longer repeatable and are not subject to diminishing returns if the opponent is a lower level. This ensures that players are appropriately rewarded for their progress and achievements in Invasion mode.

Increased Fighter & Kameo Mastery XP & item rewards from Encounters in the Gateway Mesa

  • Fighter and Kameo Mastery XP, as well as item rewards, have been increased for Encounters in the Gateway Mesa in Invasion mode. This provides players with greater rewards for their efforts in the Gateway Mesa area.

Removed negative passive bonuses from some Relics

  • Certain Relics that had negative passive bonuses have been updated and no longer provide those negative effects. This improves the balance and fairness of Relics in Invasion mode.

Konsumables with Stat Bonuses are now rewarded in more areas

  • Konsumables with Stat Bonuses are now rewarded in more areas of the game, providing players with more opportunities to earn these valuable items. This allows for greater customization and strategic options in battles.

Krowns can now be rewarded for defeating Major Enemies

  • Defeating Major Enemies now rewards players with Krowns, the in-game currency. This provides an additional incentive for players to take on these challenging encounters in Invasion mode.

Relic & Talisman Buy & Sell prices are now affected by Level & Rarity

  • The buy and sell prices for Relics and Talismans now vary based on their Level and Rarity. This provides a more dynamic and balanced economy for these items in Invasion mode.

Fixed end of round slow motion happening on certain attacks when there could be more opponents left to fight in the encounter

  • A bug that caused the end of round slow motion to occur prematurely on certain attacks, even when there were more opponents left to fight in the encounter, has been fixed. This ensures that gameplay remains consistent and smooth throughout the entire encounter.

Fixed rare situation where the opponent losing to time out while performing an armored move could cause an incorrect animation

  • A rare situation where the opponent lost to time out while performing an armored move could cause an incorrect animation has been resolved. This ensures that animations are displayed correctly and accurately during matches.

Practice Mode Fixes and Adjustments

Damage text in Practice mode when hitting an opponent with an air-only attack will now display AIR instead of UNBLOCKABLE

  • Damage text in Practice mode has been updated to display AIR instead of UNBLOCKABLE when hitting an opponent with an air-only attack. This provides clearer and more accurate feedback during training sessions.

Added ability to configure the following Fighter & Kameo specific mechanics under “Practice Settings”

  • The update introduces the ability to configure specific mechanics for Fighters and Kameos in Practice mode. Players can now customize settings related to various characters’ unique abilities. The following mechanics can be configured:
  • Ashrah – Heaven / Hell Mode Debuffs
  • Geras – Countdown Charges
  • General Shao – Axe & Dark Energy
  • Johnny Cage – Hype & Wowing Out
  • Kenshi – Sento & Spirit
  • Havik – Link Active
  • Nitara – Blood Sacrifice
  • Raiden – Electric Charge
  • Sindel – Inspire Active
  • Tanya – Royal Guidance
  • Quan Chi – Zones
  • Tremor – Variation
  • Khameleon – Disguise

Character Specific Adjustments

Main Fighters


  • Bleeding Blade (Down + Back Punch) now deals bonus damage & causes knockdown reaction when hitting an opponent’s Kameo.


  • Fixed Chop Chop using the same input regardless of Alternate Kontrols setting.

General Shao

  • Fixed incorrect animation used when Kameo Fatality is performed while Axe is planted.
  • Fixed issue that could cause incorrect blood locations when komboing Jump Attacks into Basic Attacks.


  • Fixed a rare issue that could cause Geras to not teleport after hitting a Main Fighter & Kameo with Inevitable at the same time.


  • Skab Stab (Away + Back Punch, Back Punch, Throw) no longer allows the opponent to perform a Kameo Ambush Attack while in its hit reaction.
  • Fixed Enhanced Neoplasm having no sound effects when performed at a very close distance to the opponent.
  • Fixed lingering visual with Enhanced Blood Bath if Disarmed And Dangerous (Fatal Blow) is used before activating Corpse Taunt.

Johnny Cage

  • Fixed invulnerability to high attacks during some of the recovery frames of Ball Buster while in Wowing Out hype state.


  • Kameo Meter color is now blue when Ancestor is active.
  • Kenshi will now take 20 damage when Ancestor is hit by an attack.
  • Ancestor is now vulnerable to attacks while Kenshi is performing a throw attempt.
  • Fixed a situation where hitting the Ancestor while in certain actions would cause two hitsparks to occur.

Kung Lao

  • Fixed throw immunity during some recovery frames of Hat Toss.

Li Mei

  • Enhanced Nova Blast’s followup hits are no longer sometimes blockable when done at full screen against certain characters.

Liu Kang

  • Fixed visual issue that could occur when Dragon’s Breath is interrupted by Sub-Zero’s Ice Klone.


  • Slightly adjusted Hit Region on Straight Sai & Enhanced Straight Sai.
  • Fixed issue with Feral Gashes (Front Punch, Back Punch, Throw) no longer allowing the opponent to perform a Kameo Ambush Attack while in its hit reaction.
  • Fixed issue that could cause (Air) Enhanced Teleport Down & (Air) Homing Ball to not be possible while in the air from Khameleon’s Fan Lift.
  • Fixed issue causing a misaligned teleport attack to occur if Enhanced Sai Toss connects with an opponent’s Kameo.
  • Fixed visual misalignment during “Maybe Next Time” brutality.


  • Fixed visual issue with Wings having improper animation after missing Fatal Blow.


  • Rain God Waterball is no longer destroyed if Rain is hit after the projectile becomes active.
  • Fixed Ancient Trap interacting with some reflect moves.
  • Fixed issue that could cause (Air) Confluence Beam to not be possible while in the air from Khameleon’s Fan Lift.


  • Fixed rare issue that could cause Reiko to switch sides with the opponent when performing The Soldier’s Spearit (Fatal Blow) while close to the arena corner.
  • Fixed visual issue when Tactical Takedown is interrupted by Kameo Kung Lao’s Away We Go.

Shang Tsung

  • Fixed Bed of Spikes interacting with reflect moves.
  • Added visual effect to signify when Form Stealer damage boost has ended.
  • Fixed issue with Form Stealer cloth physics not functioning correctly in certain. circumstances when returning to Shang Tsung form.


  • Kameo Meter color is now pink when Enhanced Queen’s Kommand is active
  • Using Snatched (Fatal Blow) while Enhanced Queen’s Command is active no longer ends control over opponent’s Kameo.
  • Fixed rare issue that could cause Sindel’s Kameo to become unresponsive if some Fatal Blows were performed immediately after hitting an opponent’s Kameo with Enhanced Queen’s Command.
  • Stolen Kameos using Enhanced Queen’s Kommand performing a buff move will no longer wait for the buff to expire before returning to their partner.


  • Fixed rare issue that could cause Smoke to become invisible for an extended period of time if he is interrupted during Everywhere (Back Punch, Front Punch, Back Punch) at specific timing.


  • Fixed visual issue that could cause Ice Klones to appear in cinematics.


  • Spinning Splits Kick and (Air) Spinning Splits Kick can now hit the opponent’s Kameo.
  • Heavenly Hand & Enhanced Heavenly Hand now continue to be active after hitting an opponent’s Kameo.
  • Spinning Splits Kick & (Air) Spinning Splits Kick air hit reaction knocks down for 1 frame longer.
  • Fixed Cudgel Strike (Down + Back Punch) now dealing bonus damage & causing knockdown reaction when hitting an opponent’s Kameo.
  • Fixed rare situation with 100 Hands (Fatal Blow) not going into cinematic despite its attack connecting on opponent in certain circumstances with Kameo Goro.


  • Fixed issue with Spilled Kontents (Towards + Back Kick, Front Punch, Throw) no longer allowing the opponent to perform a Kameo Ambush Attack while in its hit reaction.

Quan Chi

  • New move Zone of Waste added. It creates a zone that drains meter from the opponent and if the opponent stands in it for an extended period, Quan Chi will briefly gain armor.
  • Zone of Fear now lasts 2 seconds longer.
  • Zone of Fear & Zone of Power, along with Zone of Waste, can now be active at the same time.
  • Field of Bones & Enhanced Field of Bones now activates the cage trap if the opponent blocks the attack.
  • Field of Bones & Enhanced Field of Bones now have an increased duration on the cage trap.
  • Adjusted victim region while duck blocking.
  • Fixed inconsistency between air and ground hit reactions for Zone of Power Enhanced Head Rush allowing the opponent to block follow-up attacks at certain distances.
  • Fixed Koccyx Krusher (Away + Front Kick, Back Kick, Back Punch) having improper animation and auto-correcting if performed as the opponent jumps over.
  • Fixed Sareena Jataaka’s Kurse still triggering if it only connects with Field of Bones.
  • Fixed Skewer Strike tracking the opponent if the first hit connects with Field of Bones.
  • Fixed lingering visual effects if the opponent is interrupted during the hit reaction of Enhanced Head Rush.
  • Fixed several unintended visual effects lingering during cinematics.
  • Fixed visual issue with skull projectiles lingering on-screen if they are evaded by Omni-Man’s Viltrumite Stance.
  • Fixed visual issue with lingering effects after hitting Field of Bones with Sub-Zero’s Ice Klone Charge.
  • Fixed an issue that would allow the opponent’s Shujinko to use Zone of Power to buff their projectiles.
  • Fixed visual issue with Zone of Fear that could cause visual effects on the opponent to linger after they have exited the zone.

Kameo Fighters

Darrius (Kameo)

  • Fixed AI being unable to perform several follow-ups to Tornado Kick.
  • Twister Kicks, Double Daegon Kick, Eat Dirt, & Heelturn Attacks are no longer affected by projectile Invulnerability.

Jax (Kameo)

  • Kameo Meter color now changes when Ground Pound is active.
  • Adjusted AI behavior when it tries to avoid Ground Pound.

Kano (Kameo)

  • Fixed visual issues with several Fighters’ weapons during the Eye Laser and Forward. Throw animations

Kung Lao (Kameo)

  • Fixed an animation issue when the Spin is blocked at far ranges.

Motaro (Kameo)

  • Fixed rare issue with Reflect which could cause some projectiles to still be reflected after. it hits a main character

Scorpion (Kameo)

  • The main character will now pass through other characters when pulled by Get Over Here.
  • Fixed visual issue with Hell Blades brutality causing the victim to move in certain circumstances.

Shujinko (Kameo)

  • When morphing into the opponent Shang Tsung’s kameo and using the full Kameo Meter, Shujinko will return to his normal state.
  • Stolen Kitana Fan-Nado can now be directed close or far.
  • Fixed issue causing Kopy Kat & Mimic to increase the hype meter for Johnny Cage when used.
    Fixed visual issues with using Reptile Invisibility and Stolen Acid Spit at the same time.

Sub-Zero (Kameo)

  • Fixed rare issue with Arctic Armor not deactivating when hit by low attacks in certain circumstances.
  • Fixed lingering visual effects appearing after missing Fatal Blow.

Tremor (Kameo)

  • Fixed issue with Tremor still being vulnerable to attacks after using Crystal Armor and disappearing.
    Fixed Rolling Rock visual effects lingering after it collides with Sub-Zero’s Ice Klone.

Khameleon (Kameo)

  • HUD weapon icon will now pulse to indicate Disguise is about to change.
  • Slightly increased damage scaling on Glaive, Roll, & Fan Lift when used in a combo.
  • Fan Lift will now work on characters that have projectile immunity active.
  • Fixed Breaker being possible while Khameleon is on cooldown.
  • Using Khameleon Roll & Mileena Roll in the same combo will no longer cause alternate hit reaction.
  • Fixed visual issue that could cause weapons to appear incorrectly in Tower victory cinematic.


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