A new update for Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord, known as Update v1.2.9, has recently been released. This update is accessible across all gaming platforms, as well as on PC. Players can now download this update, which introduces bug fixes, improvement updates, and patch notes for the game. It is worth noting that the file size of this update may differ depending on the gaming platform being used.
Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord Update v1.2.9: Detailed Game Updates and Patch Notes
1. Fixed a crash that occurred when viewing formation markers in missions (holding Alt/LT): This crash was caused when players attempted to view formation markers during missions. With this fix, players can now view and interact with formation markers without experiencing a crash.
2. Fixed a crash that occurred when trying to finish the Lord Needs Horses quest by entering a settlement and talking to a guard: Players were previously experiencing a crash when attempting to complete the Lord Needs Horses quest. This crash has been resolved, allowing players to successfully finish the quest without any issues.
3. Fixed a crash that occurred when entering civilian mission scenes (town, village, tavern, arena, etc): This fix addresses a crash that occurred when players entered civilian mission scenes. Now, players can enter these scenes without experiencing any crashes.
4. Fixed a crash that occurred when trying to attack a neutral faction village or caravan party while being a mercenary: Previously, players were encountering a crash when trying to attack neutral faction villages or caravan parties while being a mercenary. This crash has been fixed, enabling players to engage in such battles without any crashes occurring.
5. Fixed a crash that occurred when starting a barter in a map conversation: Players were experiencing a crash when attempting to start a barter in a map conversation. This issue has been resolved, allowing players to carry out bartering activities smoothly without any crashes.
6. Fixed a crash that occurred at startup when using mods: Players using mods were previously facing a crash at the game’s startup. With this fix, players can now use mods without encountering any crashes during startup.
7. Fixed a crash that occurred when leaving the Campaign Options menu: This fix addresses a crash that occurred when players attempted to exit the Campaign Options menu. Now, players can navigate out of this menu without experiencing any crashes.
8. Fixed a crash that occurred when a unit encountered an enemy in battle with a couched lance or a braced spear: Previously, players were experiencing a crash when a unit encountered an enemy in battle with a couched lance or a braced spear. This crash has been resolved, allowing players to engage in battle scenarios involving such weapons without any issues.
9. Fixed a crash that occurred while creating tooltips: Players were encountering a crash while creating tooltips. This crash has been fixed, enabling players to create tooltips without any crashes occurring.
10. Fixed a crash that occurred when a unit with throwables and no melee or ranged weapons picked up a throwable of the same kind from the ground: This fix resolves a crash that occurred when a unit without melee or ranged weapons, but equipped with throwables, picked up a throwable of the same kind from the ground. Players can now pick up throwables without experiencing any crashes.
11. Fixed a crash that occurred on battle start if the player agent didn’t spawn before the Order of Battle window was activated: Previously, players were experiencing a crash when the player agent did not spawn before activating the Order of Battle window during battles. This crash has been fixed, ensuring that battles start smoothly without any crashes occurring.
12. Fixed a crash that occurred when the charge order was given during the siege deployment phase: Players were encountering a crash when giving the charge order during the siege deployment phase. This issue has been resolved, allowing players to give charge orders without any crashes.
13. Fixed a crash that occurred while using the column formation in siege battles: This fix addresses a crash that occurred when players used the column formation in siege battles. Now, players can utilize the column formation without experiencing any crashes.
14. Fixed a crash that occurred when giving orders while having no formation selected during the Order of Battle phase: Previously, players were experiencing a crash when giving orders without selecting a formation during the Order of Battle phase. This crash has been fixed, enabling players to give orders seamlessly without any crashes occurring.
15. Fixed a crash that occurred after a peace declaration due to incorrectly updated menus: Players were encountering a crash after a peace declaration due to wrongly updated menus. This crash has been resolved, ensuring that menus are updated correctly after a peace declaration without causing any crashes.
16. Fixed a crash that occurred due to invalid dead heroes in some saves: This fix addresses a crash that occurred due to the presence of invalid dead heroes in certain saved games. With this fix, players can now load and play these saved games without experiencing any crashes.
17. Fixed a crash that occurred when a siege engine was destroyed in the mission: Previously, players were experiencing a crash when a siege engine was destroyed during a mission. This crash has been fixed, allowing players to continue the mission without any crashes occurring.
18. Fixed a crash that occurred due to adding the daughter as a companion in the Notable Wants Daughter Found quest: Players were encountering a crash when adding the daughter as a companion in the Notable Wants Daughter Found quest. This crash has been resolved, allowing players to successfully add the daughter as a companion without experiencing any crashes.
19. Fixed a crash that occurred when two quests used the same hideout: Previously, players were facing a crash when two quests utilized the same hideout. This crash has been fixed, ensuring that players can progress through these quests without any crashes occurring.
20. Fixed a crash that occurred when leaving a kingdom while there was an active Prodigal Son quest: Players were experiencing a crash when leaving a kingdom while an active Prodigal Son quest was ongoing. This issue has been resolved, allowing players to leave kingdoms without any crashes.
21. Fixed a crash that occurred when a rebellion started in a kingdom’s last settlement: This fix addresses a crash that occurred when a rebellion started in a kingdom’s last settlement. Now, players can witness rebellions without experiencing any crashes.
1. Fixed a bug that caused the input visuals to flicker when hovering near the upgrade/recruit buttons while using a gamepad: Players using a gamepad were previously experiencing flickering input visuals when hovering near the upgrade/recruit buttons. This bug has been fixed, ensuring stable and consistent input visuals while using a gamepad.
2. Fixed a bug that caused parties to constantly change their minds and move between two targets: Previously, parties in the game were constantly changing their minds and moving between two targets. This bug has been fixed, allowing parties to make more consistent decisions and remain focused on their intended targets.
3. Fixed a bug that prevented ranged troops from manning the walls in defensive sieges: Players were encountering a bug that prevented ranged troops from manning the walls in defensive sieges. This issue has been resolved, allowing ranged troops to fulfill their role on the walls during defensive sieges.
1. Fixed a crash that occurred during matchmaking games: Players were experiencing a crash during matchmaking games. This crash has been fixed, ensuring smooth gameplay during matchmaking.
2. Fixed a crash that occurred when clicking the clan button in the lobby on GOG: Previously, players were encountering a crash when clicking the clan button in the lobby on GOG. This crash has been resolved, allowing players to navigate the lobby without experiencing any crashes.
3. Fixed a crash that occurred in the lobby if the client had a slow internet connection: This fix addresses a crash that occurred in the lobby for clients with a slow internet connection. Now, players with slower internet connections can access the lobby without experiencing any crashes.
4. Fixed a crash that occurred in the lobby when attempting to exit the game from the mission or character editor: Players were experiencing a crash in the lobby when attempting to exit the game from the mission or character editor. This crash has been fixed, allowing players to exit the game smoothly from these interfaces.
5. Fixed a crash that occurred when the intro video ended: Previously, players were experiencing a crash when the intro video ended. This crash has been resolved, ensuring a seamless transition after the end of the intro video.
1. Fixed a bug that prevented the disable_map_voting and disable_culture_voting config options from working on custom servers: Players were encountering a bug where the disable_map_voting and disable_culture_voting config options were not functioning correctly on custom servers. This bug has been fixed, allowing these options to work as intended on custom servers.
2. Fixed a bug that prevented the match history, favorite servers, and taunt slots from being saved/loaded correctly: Previously, there was a bug that prevented the match history, favorite servers, and taunt slots from being saved or loaded correctly. This bug has been fixed, ensuring that these features operate smoothly and that players’ saved data is maintained accurately.
3. Fixed a bug that caused leave punishments on matchmaking games to be applied twice: Players were experiencing a bug where leave punishments on matchmaking games were applied twice. This bug has been fixed, ensuring that leave punishments are only applied once as intended.
4. Fixed a bug that prevented MMR score loss when leaving the match while your team was winning: Previously, there was a bug that prevented players from losing MMR score when leaving the match while their team was winning. This bug has been resolved, ensuring that players’ MMR scores are adjusted accurately based on match outcomes.
5. Fixed a bug that caused the UI to freeze after the end of a match: Players were experiencing a bug where the UI would freeze after the end of a match. This bug has been fixed, ensuring that the UI remains responsive and functional after match conclusions.
6. Fixed a bug that caused the clan leaderboard list to show as empty: Previously, the clan leaderboard list was displaying as empty. This bug has been fixed, allowing the clan leaderboard list to accurately show the relevant clan information.
1. Introduced friendly and reflective damage on official custom game modes (Siege, Team Death match, and Battle): Friendly damage has been implemented in official custom game modes, resulting in 25% of delivered damage being reflected back at the player. Reflective damage has also been introduced, which reflects 50% of delivered damage back at the player. These changes increase the strategic element and challenge in these game modes.
2. Re-enabled punishments for dodging/leaving matchmaking games: Players who dodge or leave matchmaking games will now face appropriate punishments. This re-enabling of punishments ensures a fair and balanced matchmaking experience.
3. Enabled team balancing on official Team Deathmatch: Team balancing has been enabled in official Team Deathmatch mode, ensuring that teams are evenly matched and providing a more competitive gameplay experience.
4. Changed the date format displayed on the Lobby news: The date format displayed on the Lobby news has been changed to improve readability and consistency.
1. Fixed a crash that occurred on startup due to faulty or corrupted brush, font, language, and sprite sheet files: Players were experiencing a crash on startup due to faulty or corrupted files related to brush, font, language, and sprite sheets. This crash has been fixed, allowing the game to start smoothly without any issues.
2. Fixed a crash that occurred when using a gamepad while setting a keyboard hotkey in the Options Menu from a mission scene: Previously, players were encountering a crash when using a gamepad to set a keyboard hotkey in the Options Menu from a mission scene. This crash has been resolved, allowing players to set keyboard hotkeys without experiencing any crashes.
3. Fixed a crash that occurred when exiting the game: Players were experiencing a crash when exiting the game. This crash has been fixed, ensuring a smooth and stable exit from the game.
With these detailed game updates and patch notes, players can expect a more stable and enjoyable experience while playing Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord. From addressing crashes across various scenarios to fixing bugs and making improvements in multiplayer gameplay, this update aims to enhance the overall gaming experience for players.