New Star Wars Game 'Project Maverick' Briefly Appears Online

Electronic Arts’ next Star Wars title is a “smaller, more unusual project at EA Motive,” called Star Wars: Project Radical.

The title was first found after twitter account PSN PSN Releases ( through Resetera user Soulzonik), which instantly keeps track of additions to the PSN store database, tweeted about the game with the art revealed above.

Although Electronic Arts– who has the official Star Wars video games license– has not formally validated the project, Kotaku is reporting that Project Radical is one of 2 Star Wars titles the business is dealing with. Kotaku explains the game as a “smaller, more unusual project at EA Motive in Montreal, Canada.” The other, according to the website, is a Jedi: Fallen Order follow up by Respawn.

No matter the designated size of the game, simply launching another Star Wars game would be a small success for EA, as games like EA Intention’s open-world Star Wars title have actually been straight-out canceled.

[Source: PSN Releases, Soulzonik at Resetera, Kotaku]

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