Phil Spencer’s Ambitions for Mobile Gaming

During Gamescom, Phil Spencer, the patron of Xbox, shared his ambitions for the future of mobile gaming. In an interview, he expressed the desire to make the highly anticipated game Starfield available on phones. Alongside this, he discussed the proposed acquisition of Activision-Blizzard-King, expressing his vision for a new gaming ecosystem that goes beyond small free games. Spencer envisions a future where everyone can play any game they desire.

“If a mobile device is the only device you can own, how will you be able to play the incredible games presented at Gamescom?” ponders Spencer. His goal is to bring triple-A games to mobile platforms, stating, “I believe we’re missing something if amazing story-based games like God of War, Starfield, Spider-Man, or others are not accessible on these media.”

Play on Mobile: But How?

To make this dream a reality, Phil Spencer acknowledges that it is already technically possible to play ambitious titles on mobile via xCloud, Microsoft’s streaming service. However, he aims to expand this capability by partnering with other companies. Spencer cites recent collaborations with GeForce and other platforms as steps toward his vision. While concrete plans for achieving this goal are not yet in place, Spencer firmly believes that it is a gamer’s dream worth pursuing.

“The best gaming experience is undoubtedly on an incredible console plugged into your TV or an amazing PC. But sometimes, I want to be able to play on the device that is readily available to me,” says Spencer. He emphasizes the importance of giving gamers the freedom to choose where they want to play their games.

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