When and where players move up to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare multiplayer maps has been controversial since the release of the original in 2007. Restarting the franchise, however, has some inherent problems. Some players enter the game in the middle of the air, which occasionally causes them to fall to their deaths.
The hilarity was captured in some high-profile videos on Reddit. The Infinity Ward team has not received a response yet, but we expect at least a small patch soon.
Modern Warfare had a rocky start. While the gameplay itself was solid and the servers were stable, problems with the weapon imbalance were clear from the start. It did not take long for everyone to run around with a particular shotgun that had incredible reach and stopping power. It took several laps before Nerfs were finally under control.
However, these spawn problems are fairly new. A video embedded above shows a handful of players falling to their deaths in rapid succession. Another shows a player spawning several times at the same spot and then being shot down by an attacking chopper circling above him.
This is not the first controversy that has triggered the game since launch. In particular, the single-player campaign was characterized by an excellent gameplay and the unpleasant presentation of suspected American war crimes.