Pokémon Go now allows players to fight Team Rocket bosses, each using a different Pokémon.
Fighting the bosses is a mandatory step in monthly team missile research. So if you want a Shadow Legendary Pokémon, you have to accept it.
Sierra is one of the Team Rocket gymnastics directors. It uses a mix of psychic, icy, and dark Pokémon that some other dual types are thrown into.
How do I find Sierra?
Defeat Team Rocket Grunt at PokéStops and get six mysterious components. After reaching six, they are put together into a tracker to find a Team Rocket leader. At various PokéStops marked by the tracker, you compete against one of the three leaders. You don’t know which sports director is there, but the locations change only once a day, so you should have enough time to find the one you want
Which Pokémon does Sierra use?
Sierra uses three Pokémon, and while their first is always the same, their second and third Pokémon vary. Your possible team members are listed below
- First Pokémon: Sneasel
- Second Pokémon: Hypno / Lapras / Sableye
- Third Pokémon: Houndoom / Gardevoir / Alakazam
Which Pokémon should I use against Sierra?
Sierra uses many types of clairvoyant and dark dark– and struggleTypes are a safe bet.
- Machamp with counter and dynamic punch (best on Sierra ice cream like sneasel and lapras)
- Tyranitar with Smack Down / Bite and Crunch (best for Sierra’s Psychic and Ghost types like Hypno, Sableye and Alakazam)
- Darkrai with Snarl and Dark Pulse (Best on Sierra Psychic and Ghost types)
All types of combat should work quickly with their sneasel, which has a fourfold weakness for combat movements. The rest of their group is a little trickier as the Pokémon used can vary, but each of the counters above should be pretty helpful.