This is an appeal to Ubisoft Montreal to reintroduce the “Dab Dance”, the “Derp Walk”, the Skibidi Dance, whatever you want to call him, into Rainbow Six Siege, with the extension “Operation Shifting Tides” later in this month starts. Why? Well, this video, see for yourself.

This is Wamai, a new operator who arrives with shifting tides. It has been available on the public test server of Siege since mid-November. The silly dance he does is a technical failure; When Wamai has a throwing device in his hand and leans back and forth, he dances like Dieter on Sprockets.

Unfortunately, the polka-dot dance was removed from the PTS version almost immediately (the patch notes falsely refer to it as “fix”). The dappled dance videos continue to spread across the Rainbow Six subreddit, most with musical accompaniment, none more with a song Apropos than A-Ha’s “Take On Me”, however.

“Please tell me, Ubi, that it is not true to remove this,” complained NCatP_returns.

“No reason (Wamai) to buy now,” SellingCookiesHere replied.

“Ubi, please do not remove that, I want it on the live servers,” WoxiiPlz pleaded.

Unfortunately, the damage is done. Operation Shifting Tides is still playable on the test server. Not a word yet about when it will start for the full game, but that should come soon.

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