References to Metal Gear Solid Titles Found in MGS Master Collection Volume 1

Metal Gear Solid Mast

References to Metal Gear Solid 4, Metal Gear Solid 5, and Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker have allegedly been found in the files of the MGS Master Collection Volume 1.

That’s according to images shared by a Reddit user, which claim to show files that determine which game the collection should read assets from mentioning the three not-included titles.

If authentic, the references could be a simple test during developmentor maybe evidence that a second volume could one day include the other major Metal Gear series games.

Metal Gear Solid Master Collection Volume 1 was released earlier this week.

What’s Included in the Collection?

The collection includes:

  • Metal Gear
  • Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake
  • Metal Gear Solid (which also includes VR Missions/Special Missions)
  • Metal Gear Solid 2: Sounds of Liberty (HD Collection version)
  • Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (HD Collection) version)

Currently, Metal Gear Solid 5 is playable on modern platforms thanks to its release on PS4 and Xbox One. However, should MGS 4 and Peace Walker come to modern platforms, it would mark the first time in history that Metal Gear Solid 4 was playable outside of its native platform.

Metal Gear Solid 4 on Xbox 360?

At one point during its developmentMetal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots were supposedly “running beautifully and smoothly” on Xbox 360.

That’s according to the game’s assistant producer Ryan Payton, who shared the revelation in Steven L Kent’s book The Ultimate History of Video Games Vol 2. However, this never came to pass and the game has been locked to the PlayStation 3 since its release.

According to Payton, although the port was possible on at a technical level, it wasn’t practical on a physical level.

Because PS3 games cam on BD-ROM discs which could hold up to 54GB of storage, and Xbox 360 games cam on DVD-ROM discs which could only hold up to 8.3GB, bringing Metal Gear Solid 4 to Xbox 360 would have required putting the game on numerous discs, something Konami wasn’t willing to do.

This was backed up at the time by Sony’s Jack Tretton, who once stated: “Metal Gear Solid (4) is not only exclusive on PS3, it’s only possible on PS3 thanks in part to Blu-ray.”

Tea post Metal Gear Solid Master Collection Volume 1: Are Metal Gear Solid 4 and Metal Gear Solid 5 Coming to Modern Platforms?

appeared first on asumetech.

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