A new update has been released for Rust Update 1.57. You can find all the Game Update details, Bug Fixes, improvements, and Patch Notes below. Rust Update 1.57 is now available for all platforms, including PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series S/X, and PC. The file size may vary depending on the platform.


  • Fixed a bug that could prevent players in a bleeding state from holding X/Square to bleed out if the player previously used the Kill & Respawn function on the pause menu.
  • Fixed a bug that would destroy ladders if a player picks up an item next to it.
  • Added the ability to pour water out of a Water Jug regardless of the volume in the container.
  • Fixed a bug that blocked the sale of Targeting Computers at Vending Machines.
  • Fixed a bug that blocked Auto Turrets doing damage to players.
  • Fixed Medkit functionality so it provides the correct amount of instant healing and regeneration.
  • Removed an exploit that let players clip through terrain and rock formations.
  • Fixed a bug that caused downed player models to float after a Supply Signal crate is fully looted underneath them.
  • Fixed a bug that made the Holosight unusable when aiming at a Scientist holding a Flashlight.
  • Fixed a bug that despawned rocket launchers if fired by crouching players.
  • Fixed a bug that could result in base upkeep using more resources than required.


  • Fixed disappearing decals on the walls in the main Launch Site building.
  • Fixed a bug with the Elevator at the Launch Site that caused a visual desync for players.
  • Added collision for the tall window on the side of the main Launch Site building to stop players from walking through and falling to their deaths.


  • Fixed flickering LOD issues with High External Stone Gate that were visible when players walk away from it.
  • Fixed untextured LODs for Metal Plate foundation building blocks.


  • Removed redundant durability stats for the Workbench and BBQ in the Outpost which were visible when a player approached with a Hammer equipped.
  • Fixed map functionality issues when multiple Sleeping Bags are placed in groups.


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