The last major World of Warcraft content update for the Battle for Azeroth expansion, Visions of N’Zoth, will be available on January 14th.
With Visions of N’Zoth come new attacks, terrible visions and two new allied races – the Vulpera of the Horde and the Mechagnome of the Alliance. Players can participate in a 12 boss raid that takes place “in the hollow heart of the old Black Empire”. The last boss is of course N’Zoth – “a fateful struggle for Azeroth’s survival”.
Here is the schedule for raid activation directly from Blizzard:
- January 21 – Normal and heroic difficulties
- January 28 – Mythic Ny’alotha, Raid Finder Wing 1 (Vision of Destiny)
- February 11: Raid Finder Wing 2 (Halls of Devotion)
- February 25: Raid Finder Wing 3 (Gift of the Meat)
- March 10: Raid Finder Wing 4 (The Waking Dream)
Blizzard said Battle for Azeroth’s fourth season will begin “shortly after” the release of Visions of N’Zoth. Players can “expect a new seasonal addition to Mythic Keystone dungeons, reward updates, and a new season for PvP promotions.”
With the end of the big Battle for Azeroth updates, the anticipation for the next expansion comes. Shadowlands was announced at BlizzCon 2019 and is expected to appear in 2020.