The Frozen cheats "into the unknown in 29 languages", but still slapping their faces

If an animated film contains a title, a multilingual version of it is likely available on YouTube.

After four weeks at the top of the box office, Disney released a multilingual version of Frozen 2’s “Into the Unknown”. The video advertises 29 languages ​​- four more than the multilingual version of “Let It Go” from 2014. From then on closer inspection of “Into the Unknown” the multilingual single fans could go under.

The new version of the song begins in English before the first line changes language about nine seconds after Elsa sings. The song changes pretty much all languages ​​per line, which is all right and good. It’s around the bridge where it gets a little bit restless.

For about 20 seconds the song is mostly just Elsa playing “WOOOOOOOH-OOOOOOOHHH-OHHHH-OOOHHHHHH”, which in this multilingual version counts as three languages.


“WOOOOOOOH-OOOOOOOHHH-OHHHH-OOOHHHHHH”, she buckles up in Kazakhstan.


Admittedly, different speakers have strapped on every version of “WOOOOOOO-OOOOOOOHHH-OHHHH-OOOHHHHHH”, but there is actually nothing that has been said in another language.

Regardless, even if we disqualify these three, the multilingual version of “Into the Unknown” will be shown in 26 languages ​​- one more than that of “Let it Go”. Now we’re just waiting for a full multilingual version of the film’s other triumphant Elsa solo.

The full list of languages ​​and voice actors in order of appearance is as follows: English (Idina Menzel), Spanish (Gisela), Mandarin (Weina Hu), Swedish (Annika Herlitz), Hungarian (Füredi-Nagy Nikolett), Danish ( Maria Lucia Heiberg), Sámi (Marianne Pentha), German (Willemijn Verkaik), Icelandic (Ágústa Eva Erlendsdóttir), Bulgarian (Nadezhda Panayotova), Mandarin Taiwan (Cai Yong Chun), Estonian (Hanna-Liina Võsa), Norwegian (Lisa Stokke ), Serbian (Jelena Gavrilovic), French (Charlotte Hervieux), Russian (Anna Buturlina), Italian (Serena Autieri), Greek (Sia Koskina), Polish (Katarzyna Łaska), Korean (Hye-Na Park), Flemish (Elke Buyle ), Vietnamese (Tiêu Châu Như Quưnh), Thai (Wichayanee Pearklin), Latin Spanish (Carmen Sarahí), Kazakh (Gulsim Myrzabekova), Hindi (Sunidhi Chauhan), Japanese (Takako Matsu), Finnish (Katja Sirkiä), and Brazilian Portuguese (Taryn).

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