Two and a half months ago, I was sitting in my office at an advertising agency, wondering what would be the biggest decision of my life. I had finally been accepted into the internship program of Game Informer. I stood on the brink to realize my dream of working at GI – one I’ve had since I opened the cover of From Russia With Love, and saw that GI was based in my home state of Minnesota. I always knew that I wanted to be part of the games industry, but to be able to realize that dream from the comfort of my own home was always something that came to my mind.
But with a wealth of bills gnawing at my wallet, there was the risk of taking an unpaid position that offered no employment guarantee, to say the least, tremendously. But with the support of my friends, my girlfriend, and my family, I’ve taken the biggest risk of my life, and I can not believe I started today as Game Informer’s newest video editor.
Me at the Classic Game Fest in Austin, TX, with the biggest joystick I’ve ever seen.
When my intern Nick (who is one of the most thoughtful writers I’ve ever met) and I was brought in, we knew that this would not be a regular internship. The layoffs had just begun and there was a lot of confusion about what we would do or what the internship would look like. My fear was eliminated when we finally arrived at the office. While the GI editors were still asking us to write the usual features, news and previews, Jeff and Ben both encouraged us to experiment and chase after what we were passionate about. Luckily, this meant that I could use my video skills to create content that I love.
The first week was a panic blur when I got the first impression of how to create content to achieve an embargo. Basically, I had to beat both the original version and the newly created version of Link’s Awakening to record enough footage for a boss comparison video. At first I was scared that I could bite off more than I could chew, but after I finished it, the feeling of accomplishment was unmatched in my career so far. From there, I worked on hits such as the Pokémon Sword and Shield interview with James Taylor (not James Turner), the Overwatch 2 Rapid Fire, and the gameplay comparison video The Outer Worlds, just to name a few.
I have two things to say to the people who are learning about my existence. Hello first! I’m excited not only to create content for you, but also to get to know you and the rest of the fantastic GI community. Second, former video editor Ben Hanson and the rest of the video team in front of me have created something special at Game Informer. I’m proud to be a part of it, and I can not wait to learn all I can from the famous Leo Vader. I’m looking forward to helping to push one of the biggest gaming institutions, and I want to show the world that for a reason, we’re the leading gaming magazine.
The last two and a half months have been an incredible rollercoaster ride that I will remember for the rest of my life. As my newest journey begins, I am eternally grateful to everyone in the GI office who helped me achieve that position, my great friends and family, who supported my choice, and the love of my life that prompted me to track this dream in the first moment place. Without you I would not be here and I do not know what my life would look like if I did not have your support.
Talking to friends about the Outer Worlds is one thing. A Podcast on the Outer Worlds with Best Friends is one of the highlights of my early career.
So long, so long, so I became Game Informer’s latest video editor. Thanks for reading and if you want to say hello, sign up on Twitter, where I usually swarm or swarm over the Timberwolves, as Chewtle is one of my favorite Pokémon ever.