There is nothing like the Disney Plus original Star Wars live action series “The Mandalorian” on TV right now, but there are plenty of them on your console or gaming PC. In the first three episodes of The Mandalorian, the mostly silent, helmeted bounty hunter is on his way from world to world accepting jobs from anyone willing to pay for it. But throughout the series, it feels more and more like a video game than any other TV show before. The tropics are specific and known from a variety of console games. Here is an overview of most of the video game moments in The Mandalorian.

(Ed. Note: Below are important spoilers from the first three episodes of The Mandalorian.)


As can be seen in: Diablo 3, World of Warcraft Disney Plus

Imagine playing The Mandalorian as a game. Start with a mission for some evil people who offer you to pay in advance with a rare material that you need to upgrade your armor. After getting your new tank from the armor maker, you only need five upgrades to get the armor set bonus!

Blurrg Riding Bonus unlocked

As seen in the Lon Lon Ranch sequence of Ocarina of Time Disney Plus

You will be informed that you can only reach the location of your next destination on horseback. Unfortunately, you do not know how to ride a “horse”, which means you need a short training sequence.

Defend the door against waves of enemies

As you can see in: Call of Duty, Goldeneye 007Disney Plus

Oh no, the mark is behind a steel door that needs to be hacked! The only problem? Stop waves of enemies! If only you could .

Get on a damn laser tower

As you can see in: Gears of War, Call of Duty Disney Plus

Eat your heart, Gears of War! It’s time to blast everything on the job site with a huge gun that you can not keep past the current level.

Perform self-healing

As you can see in: Far Cry 3, Fallout 4Disney Plus

After being stolen a few times in the heat of the fight, you have to heal yourself. Sure, you have a hole in your arm, but an amateur operation should do the trick.

Sniper mission

As you can see in: Call of DutyDisney Plus

Oh no, Jawas steal all your things! Better lie on your stomach and collect as many as possible before they get to safety.

Climb a wall

As can be seen in: Uncharted, Super Mario Bros., the Super Star Wars Jawa Level for SNESDisney Plus

Like Mario and Nathan Drake, you have to climb the Jawa Sand Crawler while your enemies throw garbage at you to get rid of them.

You have to start from the beginning

As you can see in: Super MetroidDisney Plus

You start the game with all sorts of awesome upgrades and a dope ship to take everything away in the first hour. And the only way you can make it back is to keep going .

A search task

As in: World of Warcraft, Death Stranding Disney Plus

Yeah, the Jawas really want the egg and they’re ready to give you back all your stuff if you look for it. (It turns out they only really want eggs for lunch, nothing like a meaningless McGuffin, so this feels like a side-quest!)

boss fight

As you can see in: Punch-Out (Bald Bull) Disney Plus

The Fetch Quest is a bit fleshier than expected. At the end there is a heavy boss fight. Avoid the rhino-like thing better as it attacks you!

Escort mission

As can be seen in: Resident Evil 4Disney Plus

Do not forget to keep an eye on your completely helpless companion, who usually follows you but is sometimes distracted and / or confined to geometry.

Companion Upgrade

As you can see in: Bioshock InfiniteDisney Plus

It turned out that your charming companion is not only a window dressing, but also very practical thanks to its special ability. Unfortunately, the cooldown for reuse is very long.

Fancy sequence for opening the breast

As in: Any game with a booty box Disney Plus

Quest done? You’re damn right, you better see a massive chest full of loot, which opens slowly in front of you.

Nodding of other NPCs in a bunker

As you can see in: Halo ReachDisney Plus

While you’re on your way to spending your hard-earned loot, you’ll pass NPCs that give you a slight nod for confirmation. Grasping facial movements is difficult, so wearing all helmets.

Another upgrade of the armor

As you can see in: Metroid PrimeDisney Plus

Thanks to your massive score, you’ll get a fancy new cuirass and a new, shiny skin for your armor.

New skill upgrade

As in: All MetroidvaniaDisney Plus

“Whistling Birds are a powerful defense against multiple enemies,” says the Armourer. “Use them sparingly, because they are rare.”

Spying through walls

As in: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Disney Plus

Stealth mission time. Lie back in prone position and use your sniper rifle as a telescope microphone with thermal images to hear enemy talks.

Shooting sequence on rails

As in: House of the Dead, Pokémon SnapDisney Plus

Oh no, you’re surrounded and the only escape route is this slow speeder! Use the boxes as cover and try to pick up the people as you rush by! If you kill 10 before the Speeder stops, there is an achievement.

Tease a future upgrade

As in: Star Wars: Shadow of the Empire Disney Plus

You always see other people in jetpacks, but when do you get yours? “I have to get one of those,” you tell yourself. Maybe it’s DLC or does it appear in the next game?

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