The next generation of Xbox is called  . Xbox

At The Game Awards 2019, Microsoft introduced the next generation of Xbox: the Xbox Series X. Or so we thought and everyone else, it was called. However, Business Insider recently spoke to a Microsoft representative who confirmed that the next generation name is simple. Xbox – Series X is the name of the model that will be released next year.

“The name we pass on to the next generation is simply Xbox,” said the Microsoft representative. “And at the Game Awards, you saw the Xbox Series X bring that name to life.” In a separate quote, the representative told Business Insider: “Similar to how fans saw it in previous generations, the name” Xbox Series X “leaves room for additional consoles in the future.”

This is a similar naming convention as for the powerful Xbox One X and the less powerful Xbox One S.

It is unclear whether Xbox intends to continue to label the weaker console with S, which will result in an Xbox Series S again next year. It’s also possible that Microsoft will drop the cheaper model altogether, and the Series X will be Microsoft’s only next-generation console in 2020.

Xbox boss Phil Spencer also spoke to GameSpot about the new name and noted the possibility of other versions. “With the name” Series X “we have the freedom to do other things with this name so that we can create descriptors if necessary,” said Spencer.

The X-Series offers exciting new features for Xbox players – including a new controller with a share button. The recently announced console can also play all generations of Xbox games and is more powerful than the Xbox One. But all that really matters is that we know what the next generation is actually called.

Damn it is Xbox. That is the official name.

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