The richness of the board game, in video games

Starting August 3, players around the world can experience the wonders of the world of Faerûn and Baldur’s Gate with Baldur’s Gate III, the last title of the studio Larian. And what can I say, except that the software is an absolute success.

It’s been a long time since the players have put the main on a C-RPG as enjoyable, complete, addictive, with exceptional writing and which offers you an absolutely colossal range of possibilities. Yes, Baldur’s Gate III is a role-playing game in the truest sense of the word, which allows you to play the character of your dreams in the heart of an adventure with countless branches.

In fact, BG3 wants to be very close to the board game experience that role-players know well, and more particularly to that offered by Dungeons and Dragons. The title is also subject to the same rules as the fifth edition of the famous license and offers a video game alternative that is most faithful to the plateau experience, including the roll of the dice.

And like the board sessions, Baldur’s Gate 3 can also be enjoyed by several people, thus allowing you to play with friends with completely imagined characters and to live an adventure dictated by the choices of the group. So you can save Faerûn together and become a band of legendary warriors, but you can also decide to completely ransack these lands if you feel like it. This is precisely what this little band of barbarians ready to shed blood has decided to live.

chaos or nothing

It was on Youtube that the videographer Okoii shared the session game launched between friends. Obviously, these players have decided to apply the law of the fittest to the letter by forming a band of wild halflings determined to waltz the entire population of Faerûn, friend or foe. The result is absolutely hilarious.

In this video, on find four barbarian halflings who all play the same way. From the first confrontation, the halflings swing their gigantic axes and indulge in real massacres. They pounce on each other, blowing up everything they find, until the final climax where the goblin camp of the first act is sent into orbit in a festival of flames. Here, there is no time to procrastinate. It’s the steel that speaks, ready to cut to the quick.

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