To watch Fortnite's Star Wars: The premiere of the Skywalker clip

Fortnite prepares for its first in-game movie clip with a debut of new Star Wars footage: The Rise of Skywalker. The developers at Epic Games announced that the clip will premiere in the game last week and offered some additional details during The Game Awards 2019.

The event starts at 13.30. ET, which probably means that you can then jump into a match to prepare for the premiere of the clip. The actual event starts at 2 pm. ET. Geoff Keighley and Donald Mustard briefly talked about the event during The Game Awards, making it sound as if they were both attending the event, along with Rise of Skywalker director J.J. Abrams. This could mean that there is a kind of pre-show that starts in front of the clip, but we can not be sure if that is so.

The event takes place in Risky Reels, the venue on the Fortnite card with a movie theater. The most likely situation is that Fortnite players can only engage in a specially designed mode that makes it almost impossible to watch the clip. This mode would probably eliminate any damage just to make sure nothing distracts you from Star Wars.

If you are not in the game, you have to make your way to the theater yourself. Here is Risky Reels on the map:

Epic games about polygon (original map about Vattenpistol on Reddit)

Each player participating in the event will also receive a special Star Wars glider. The screen is derived from the TIE Whisper ship from the series and apparently the screen that everyone will use when jumping out of the combat bus for the first time of the clip. In addition to the free glider Fortnite currently has several other Star Wars cosmetics.

While most of the other Fortnite events in the game have gone quite smoothly, this is probably the largest that the game has ever seen. That’s probably why Epic released the 30-minute buffer for everyone so they can get into the game before the actual premiere. Take advantage of this. As soon as possible, join a game as soon as the option becomes available. So you can be sure that you will not miss anything.

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