What sites to look at before choosing a class in Destiny 2

What sites to look at before choosing a class in Destiny 2

Destiny 2 is one of the most famous shooters in the MMO genre, where players choose one of three playable classes to resist alien invaders, participate in the study and exploration of space, conduct PvP battles, farm monsters and take part in raids and strikes.

In order to choose the right game class, based on character traits, general demand on the server and relevance, you need to read various sites and use services in order to enjoy the game project the way the developers laid it out, and not at random. With a complete understanding of the meta and game mechanics.

Services and sites that will help a beginner for a successful start in Destiny 2:

  • Skycoach.gg
  • Destiny 2 fandom
  • Bungie Forum



SkyCoach.gg is a link to service that allows players of various ranks to learn how to play and receive services from professional Skycoach players. Glitter sales, boosting and coaching services, raid carry, help in PvP events and other activities.


Glitter is Destiny 2’s main currency and the main tool for interacting with playable and non-playable characters.

For glitter, the system of contracts is updated – these are secondary tasks that allow you to continuously generate experience to gain levels, if you have enough finances to update them.

All extra ammo is also purchasable with glints, as are weapons and equipment of various ranks.

You can purchase glitter in Destiny 2 in any quantity with a guarantee of anonymity and disguise the deal as a regular exchange so that the game administration does not even have the potential to impose game sanctions. Skycoach guarantees a refund in the event of a dispute.


When you decide on a class – titan, warlock, or hunter you can learn to play it better than suggested in the in-game tutorial, which only shows the basic mechanics, not adapting them to the current meta.

A professional Skycoach player teaches via voice communication how to understand the game meta, how to select the optimal subclass and how to use weapons and equipment, how to farm monsters and raids, how to pass and behave in PVP events.


A service during which you are provided with pumping game levels. A professional Skycoach player will take control of the account to complete the service. To guarantee the security of personal data, VPN is used. After completing the service, it is recommended to change the password.

Destiny 2 Fandom

Destiny 2 Fandom

A fandom is an analogue of Wikipedia, which contains all the theoretical knowledge in many online MMO projects.

Destiny 2 has a huge database of weapons and ammo, armor and grenades, quests and NPCs.

If a new quest appears in front of you – do not rush to take it into execution – look at Fandom.

You will find the NPC and the task, you will see the time of completion and the chain of tasks, if any. You will be able to read all the nuances and view all the rewards you can earn. If the task suits you, then you can read about the shortest way to complete the mission in the shortest possible time.

Every season in Destiny 2 PVP event Trial of Osiris starts.

The essence of the event is in the competition of groups of three participants for the right to receive legendary weapons and equipment.

The reward differs depending on the season, and you can read about all the characteristics of future trophies on the Fandom before starting your difficult struggle.

To get seasonal legendary weapons, you will need to win 7 matches in a row against other players. You can stop for 3 and 5 matches in a row, but then the reward will not be complete.

Knowing the exact information about the award, you can get an incentive and participate for as long as you need before receiving trophies. Matches are fast-paced and even after losing streaks, there will be victories if you play carefully and use grenades and cover.

Bungie Forum

Bungie Forum

An official resource that provides all players who play or sympathize with Destiny 2 with a source of communication and exchange of opinions about events on the project.

You can join any topic to give advice, or ask for informational help from players who have been playing for a long time and understand all the mechanics not from pure numbers and knowledge bases, but from real experience.

To understand the subclass system and choose which path will benefit your class and significantly increase, you can read the guides, or learn from other players.

For example, by creating a topic on the forum with the question – which subclass is best for a warlock, you will receive one of four development options.

Four, because in February 2023, users will receive a major Lightfall update in Destiny 2 and a new Stand subclass will be added.

Lightning will not give a significant increase, since it works more in close combat, and a convenient area for a warlock is medium ranges.

The sun is not effective, as the warlock is strong in mass and multiple attacks, and not in the concentration of efforts in one shot.

Void will significantly increase the offensive potential of mass magic skills and help to deal high AoE damage – the strongest side of the warlock class.

The stand in a future update will give the warlock a shrapnel effect – it deals damage and scatters fragments and small projectiles, also effective in AoE combat. What role the stand for warlocks will take and whether it will replace the void in terms of efficiency will be shown by the Lightfall update at the time of release.

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