If you’ve ever loved your spaceship in No Man’s Sky, but you’re a little faster, or would like to have a slightly larger inventory, Hello Games has some good news. With Synthesis, the latest No Man’s Sky update, you can upgrade your favorite spaceship to the S-Class.

The new upgrade system is part of the Ship Salvage system of this update, which allows players to disassemble ships they no longer need. These unwanted ships can now be converted into waste materials or even supplements that allow you to increase the stock of other ships.

The actual ship upgrades can be purchased by the players at the equipment station of the spaceship. With these upgrades, players can increase the inventory of their ships or fully upgrade their class – though both costs a significant amount of units.

Other enhancements in the Synthesis update include numerous changes to No Man’s Sky’s quality of life, including a new update designed to greatly simplify the use of player inventory. Players can now change items by dragging and dropping or repairing defective equipment with the required components automatically.

This patch also includes dozens of other changes, including a better room map, a cleaner terrain editing system, improvements to the base building, and the ability to save customizable outfits.

The No Man’s Sky Synthesis update will be released on Thursday, November 28th. For an overview of all the changes that come with the update, review the full patch notes below:

No Man’s Sky Synthesis Patch Notes


  • Introduction of a new ship rescue mechanic. Visit the ship recovery module at a space station to perform a series of ship operations, including salvaging a ship for scrap.
  • Scrap contains valuable products, new technologies, and a restocking that allows for the expansion of the inventory of another spaceship.
  • The supplies of spaceships can also be upgraded for a considerable number of units.
  • The spaceship equipment station can also improve the class of spaceships that are not yet an S-Class. This upgrade requires a significant amount of nanites.


  • The Terrain Manipulator has been significantly optimized to allow smoother planet processing.
  • The visual effects of editing terrain with the terrain manipulator have been improved.
  • A reduction mode has been added to the Terrain Manipulator to allow for a quick and easy reduction of a large area.
  • The terrain manipulator has been given a recovery mode that can undo changes and move the terrain back to its previous state.
  • Changes made with the Terrain Manipulator within the bounds of a base are now protected in the same way as changes made by base parts, so they can not be removed by further manipulation outside the base.
  • Fixed a number of issues where changes to protected base parts were consumed by things that did not need to be protected. This meant that bases were no longer available for terrain changes too early.
  • A number of issues that hampered the use of the terrain manipulator in VR have been resolved.


  • The ability for players to own more than one multi-tool has been added. When buying a new multi-tool, there is now the opportunity to exchange the tool or to buy directly.
  • Purchased multi-tools are added to the quick menu for easy replacement.


  • Photo mode is now available in VR.
  • Creatures can now be ridden in VR.
  • First-person cameras for the Exocraft are now also available without VR.


  • A new technology has been added, the Personal Refiner. With this technology, elements can be refined directly in the Exosuit, without having to place a portable refiner on a planetary surface.


  • Added the ability to save a set of custom outfits in the customizer to allow quick changes between different appearances.


  • The space map has been improved to provide more clarity about the position of other ships and planets.
  • The compass has been improved in space control so that objects in the center of the compass are no longer displayed when they are behind the spaceship.


  • Significantly optimized building for the freighter base to increase the complexity limit, allowing more parts to be placed.
  • Optimized a set of standard base components so that more objects can be placed within the complexity boundary.
  • The accuracy of the proposed snap points when placing base parts has been improved.
  • Improved clarity and contrast of the holograms for the preview of basic components.
  • Holograms of the proposed locking positions hidden when placing base parts.
  • A number of new triangular base components have been added, opening up a wide range of construction options.
  • An automatic harvester interaction has been added to the Bio-Dome, allowing all plants to be collected at the same time.
  • Fixed a rare issue that could cause freighter bases to revert to default layout when a freighter in a system has been summoned with other freighters.
  • Fixed a problem where powered doors did not work even though they were powered on.
  • Fixed an issue where decals would become invisible as a preview hologram.
  • Fixed an issue that caused some parts to spin quickly.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause the alignment of audio data when placing base parts.
  • Resolved a problem on the PC that caused the tip-in / rotate tip to be incorrect.
  • Fixed an issue that occasionally prevented objects from being placed in a freighter base.
  • Fixed an issue that could affect save before saving and cause the bins to stop working.
  • Fixed an issue where Corridor parts could not apply force to parts placed inside.
  • A number of audio and snapping issues with the terrarium and aquarium baselines have been resolved.
  • Fixed an issue that made it difficult to place plants in planters and bio-domes.
  • The cracking of fleet commando rooms has been improved.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented specialized terminals (wardens, scientists, etc.) from locking properly.
  • Resolved an issue that made it difficult to position the light table in a base.
  • Fixed an issue where predators attacked players with the building camera.
  • Reduced the cost of building biofuel generators and solar panels.
  • Reduced the cost of various basic parts, including the base computer, underwater rooms, short-range teleporters, core rooms, and basic parts.
  • The short-range teleporter and its cabling have been moved to the appropriate technology groups in the Build menu.
  • Resolved an issue that caused geometries to be missing when creating foundations for cuboid spaces.
  • Fixed an issue where the skylight was missing when a ladder was being built in a cuboid room.
  • Fixed a problem that prevented cuboid roof panels from snapping correctly into cuboid spaces.
  • An electric socket has been added to the pedestal lights to provide power.
  • Corrected a problem that indicated missing or broken icons in the mineral and gas extractor user interfaces.
  • Improved the camera interacting with the supply depot.
  • Fixed a collision issue with the Gold Blob statue.
  • Shutter Doors removed from the Construction Research Unit as these parts are no longer functional.
  • Removed Large Power Doors from the Construction Research Unit, as they were not intended to be a placeable object.
  • Color lights now have certain individual names to better identify them.
  • Some issues with using advanced base rotation tools have been resolved.
  • Fixed an issue where players could delete a fleet command room they were in and dump them into space.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause bases on moons to appear slightly sloped.


  • Items can now be picked up and placed on a technical part to be repaired or installed.
  • If you move items through the inventory and place an item on another item, they will now be swapped.
  • When loading a technology, it is now possible to adjust the size of the stack used.
  • When transferring items to other players, it is now possible to adjust the size of the sent batch.
  • Dangerous protection updates that are not relevant to the current environment are now hidden in the Quick Launch menu.
  • The amount of available storage in a storage bin has been increased from 5 to 20 slots.
  • Allow storage containers to receive custom names.
  • The Galactic Trade Terminal interaction is now opened directly in the shop interface.
  • Improved the clarity of the positive and negative percentages on the shop interface.
  • Shop quantities are now being wrapped, so selecting a quantity less than 1 will reach the maximum stack size.
  • The customization of shop amounts with keys was activated on the PC.
  • Resolved an issue where shop items unexpectedly rearranged while buying and selling.
  • The Exosuit backpack displayed on the user interface now matches the backpacking preferences chosen by the players.
  • The speed with which the dialog text is printed when players skip the dialog has been increased.
  • Many background colors for product icons have been unified so that the colors match the general function or purpose of the product.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause players to accidentally switch subdirectories if interaction buttons were assigned the same key as an inventory change (for example, when trying to parse a geode, switch to another inventory).
  • Repeated interactions with Traveler Iteration Ares now use a short form of conversation to speed up stack deliveries.
  • The status bars displayed when viewing a spaceship have been adjusted to better reflect the actual status of the vessel’s base statistics and upgrades.
  • The Weapon-Installed Weapon pop-up window shows the maximum potential damage to this weapon, taking into account all upgrades that have been installed.
  • The space station cartographer has been changed to use the full trade surface. Players can buy as many cards as they want and select specific cards.
  • When you collect items, they are added to existing batches, as long as they are in the freight inventory.
  • Fixed an issue that caused some of the collected resources not to be stored in the cargo inventory and the inventory to be reported as full if this was not the case.
  • Fixed an issue where items would be lost if subtacks were transferred to an inventory with a different batch limit.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the refiner user interface to close when changing the stack size.
  • Fixed an issue where the correct currency could not be displayed in the upper left corner when using different research / unlock user interfaces, eg. For example, the Construction Research Unit.
  • Improved display of warnings about incoming currencies.
  • The information in the analysis visor has been improved when the ships of other players are displayed.
  • Corrected a problem that prevented the display of the correct information about the analysis visor on the space station or the room anomaly.
  • When collecting rewards from an expedition, the inventory full message now makes it clearer which inventory is full.
  • The distance between the beginning and the end of a sentence has been increased when the text is wrapped.
  • The catalog now uses the full pop-up detail and displays the statistics and requirements of the products and technologies.


  • Fixed an issue where the planetary cloud layer intersected with asteroids and freighters.
  • A large number of stutter and strikes on the starfield and warp tunnel loads has been smoothed.
  • In PSVR on base PS4, incorrect water reflection effects have been removed.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause significant visual restlessness on PS4.
  • A significant optimization of shadow rendering has been introduced.
  • Fixed an issue that caused a significant performance issue when viewing store pages.
  • Improved performance in the construction of freighter bases.
  • Improved display of textures when graphics memory becomes scarce.
  • Introduced a set of optimizations for shader, terrain, and water rendering.
  • Enhanced the appearance of asteroids.
  • Introduce a number of smaller optimizations for terrain generation.
  • Fixed a number of LOD tree and grass issues that improved the appearance of some specific lush planets.
  • Fixed an issue where particles flickered right in front of the camera.


  • Grenade-style weapons no longer need to pad the multi-tool before shooting, reducing the risk of accidental detonation while navigating the interface.
  • The combat performance of the spaceship phase beam has been improved.
  • The combat performance of spaceship rockets has been improved.
  • Improved the performance of the Infra-Knife Accelerator.
  • The ground speed of the impulse drive has been increased to accelerate the interplanetary motion.
  • Added new Pulse Drive upgrades that improve the fuel efficiency and speed of the Pulse Drive.
  • In a frigate, the jetpack loads up faster now.
  • New technologies have been added to improve the recharge rate and sprint duration.
  • A jetpack upgrade has been added to allow the Jetpack to be charged while the player is falling down.
  • An Emergency Warp upgrade has been added that can be accessed through the Quick Menu. This technology allows for an immediate escape from space combat, destroying technology and getting you to an unknown destination.
  • The size of the technology inventory for freighters has been increased.
  • A new cargo technology has been added, the Matter Beam. In this way, shipments can be sent from anywhere in the system to and from the freighter.
  • Freighters no longer have unrestricted access to all star classes and must have their hyperdrives upgraded like a spaceship. New hyperdrive technologies for freighters are available for exploration of the bridge.
  • The flashlight now turns on automatically when you enter a dark area.
  • Fixed an issue where the upgrade for the Infra-Knife Accelerator had the same name as the upgrade for the photon gun.


  • Creatures can now be mounted after feeding creature balls. Harvesting and / or milking animals still requires a specific bait.
  • Beast size for creature balls has been increased.
  • Lets you ride blob-style creatures.
  • The riding animations for diplomats and Proto-Gek creatures have been improved.
  • Audio events have been added to the dialog system to improve the text experience.
  • Players were allowed to permanently collect teleport targets outside their home galaxy (ie, the most advanced galaxy). Teleport targets will not be removed when leaving other galaxies.
  • In space combat, players who dodge enemy fire for long enough can activate the impulse drive and escape.
  • If mission markers lead to a point within a building, the marker is now placed at the door of the building until the player is inside it.
  • If players die outside of their ship in space, their inventory will not be removed or damaged.
  • Fixed an issue where NPC ships landed on landing pads where the player ship was summoned.
  • NPC ships may no longer land on the last unoccupied landing pad of a player base.
  • The feedback when shooting an object with an ineffective multi-tool mode (eg with the mining laser against armored doors) has been improved.
  • Fixed a problem with mouse sensitivity when using the ship’s optics when the Flight Settings option used the Locked option instead of the Tethered option.
  • The system for practicing the language with NPCS has been improved.
  • The rewards for practicing speech with NPCs have been improved.
  • The variety of reactions when practicing speech with NPCs has been increased.
  • The rotation animations of flying lizards have been improved.
  • Guild Ambassador NPC dialogue has been improved.
  • The tutorial for learning antimatter has been optimized.
  • The selling price for cooking products has been increased.
  • The Nanit Rewards of Iteration Cronus have been increased.
  • The effects of eating cooked products are now slightly more diverse.
  • Reduced the repair costs of crashed freight containers.
  • Reduced the repair cost of various debris found on planet surfaces.
  • Accelerated a number of frequently used interactions with technology dealers and ship dealers.
  • When you start a new game, the Personal Forcefield is in the list of known technologies.
  • The color of the mineral occurrences and buried technology in the analysis visor has been slightly adjusted to stand out from other planetary sights.
  • The fuel costs for loading a biofuel reactor have been reduced.
  • The cost of loading a HoloTerminus while searching for Artemis has been reduced.
  • The cost of activating portal glyphs has been reduced.
  • At the beginning of a new game players have two cargo slots available.
  • The cost of upgrading the first freight bays has been reduced.
  • The symbols for planet maps have been improved to make it clearer which map leads to which destination.
  • The symbols and descriptions for procedural upgrade modules have been improved.
  • Notes about geodes are now only displayed in the corresponding environment for this geode.
  • The health of the metal fingers has been reduced.
  • The textual description has been improved when a player is killed by jellyfish or abysmal horrors.
  • Other different text enhancements.


  • Fixed a number of issues that prevented players from syncing in multiplayer mode.
  • Fixed a number of issues that could cause players in the same multiplayer session not to see others.
  • Fixed a rare issue that could cause players to no longer see other players in multiplayer.
  • Fixed some issues where players were disqualified from interactions in multiplayer or space anomaly.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause single-player mission tokens to be moved to the current system as they entered the space anomaly.
  • Reduces the number of base parts needed to build bases for Nexus missions.
  • More information has been added about multiplayer chat notifications that tell where players are flying.
  • Added chat notifications to other members of your group if you are harmed.
  • Additional chat alerts have been added to inform other players in the group about your mission progress – for example, collecting an item or requesting a piece to consist of more substances.
  • Reduced the number of chat messages sent when pirates participated in a multiplayer mission.
  • Fixed an issue where some chat alerts for multiple players were displayed in single player mode.
  • A confirmation has been added when you launch a multiplayer mission from the Nexus.
  • A confirmation has been added if the Space Anomaly Teleporter is used in the preparation phase of a Nexus mission.
  • Improved the clarity of the text message when saving the progress in multiplayer mode.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Sentinel drones to disappear in multiplayer after a player died.
  • Fixed an issue where vehicle damage ignored multiplayer permissions and caused player damage to players with PvP disabled.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause players to be listed incorrectly after leaving a mission as part of a multiplayer session.
  • Terrain edited for important community targets can now be undone by any player.


  • The Discovery Page system view now opens in the right pane for your current system.
  • When you open the Discovery page, the planet page is now opened first when you are on a planet.
  • Fixed an issue where the “Upload All” button on the Discovery page did not work.
  • In the Discovery Page system view, you can hover over planets to quickly see available resources.
  • Recognitions on the recognition page can now be rotated.
  • Added a marker to the system view on the Discovery page to show the current planet location of the player.
  • Undiscovered planets on the Discovery side are now desaturated, making it clearer which planets have been mapped.
  • The text on the Discovery page, which describes the habitat of a creature, has been improved.
  • Fixed several issues that caused variable names to appear on the recognition page instead of the correct text.
  • The animation of discoveries on the Discovery page has been improved.
  • The bait desired by a creature is now displayed along with the other information on the Discovery page.
  • The tabs that go through the recognition type on the recognition page can now be clicked directly.
  • When you open the recognition page immediately after recognizing a creature, the page opens directly on that creature.
  • The appearance of the Discovery Page on dead planets has been improved.
  • Fixed an issue that caused bones and scrap to display incorrectly on the Discovery page.
  • Fixed an issue where the text on the Discovery page was truncated.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Multi Tool, Spaceship, or Exosuit backpack to appear on the Discovery page.
  • Fixed an issue where untranslated text was displayed in the detection menu pop-ups.
  • Fixed an issue where fish were described as land creatures reading their full description on the Discovery page.
  • Fixed some scaling problems when displaying creatures on the Discovery page.
  • Corrected an issue that caused the detection progress indicator to display incorrectly in non-standard resolutions.
  • Fixed an issue where flying creatures were listed as ground based in their discovery tip.
  • Fixed an issue where flying creatures were occasionally described in their full descriptions as groundbound.


  • Fixed a VR issue that instantly holstered the Multi Tool when the Multi Tool menu was displayed.
  • Fixed an issue where VR players would not be able to choose their freighter’s warp position when they called it from the Quick Menu.
  • Fixed a problem that caused the player’s right hand to misalign when using DualShock4 in PSVR.
  • In VR, the hands are now hidden when the hand control is not in use.
  • Fixed a problem that caused the player’s left hand to constantly make a loud noise when using a DualShock4 in PSVR.
  • Fixed a visual corruption problem in the Warptunnel effect in VR.
  • Fixed an issue where the holocontroller (visible when using DualShock4 in VR) was misaligned.
  • Fixed an issue where melee attacks on index controllers were too easily activated.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the body of the Analysis Visor tip to contain information that was inaccurate in VR.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented VR players from making delivery missions to outposts.


  • Fixed an issue that prevented interaction with objects while the Terrain Manipulator menu or the Quick Menu was open. The interaction closes the menu.
  • Corrected an issue that could prevent the display of object names when searching for objects with the Analysis Visor.
  • Fixed an issue where guildmasters were giving invalid products as rewards.
  • Fixed an issue where vertebrate cube and oxygen plants collided while collecting.
  • Fixed a problem that caused the nutrient processor to have the symbol of a dung heap when seen through the analysis visor.
  • Fixed an issue that could make it difficult to put impulses on mission markers.
  • Fixed a rare issue where buildings could be missing while loading a game.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the starfield system labels to be in the wrong place for non-standard resolutions.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the text in the Charging field to flicker.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the caption for the interaction to flicker.
  • Resolved an issue where a white square on the screen flickered the first time HUD markers were drawn.
  • Some UI orientation issues with non-standard resolutions have been resolved.
  • Fixed an issue that caused multiple copies of the bases of other players.
  • Resolved an issue where NSCs on space anomalies were changing scale while rotating.
  • Fixed an issue that caused spacecraft to get stuck in buildings shortly after launch.
  • Fixed an issue that caused repeated audio firing when using the Analysis Visor.
  • Resolved an issue where rain sounds were playing in the Marine Shelter.
  • An exploit that allowed the infinite generation of star metals has been fixed.
  • An exploit to duplicate items has been fixed.
  • Fixed an issue where markers on beacons and other objects could disappear after using the survey device.
  • Fixed an issue where the flashlight switched incorrectly while the terrain manipulator was equipped.
  • Fixed an issue where custom markers were not visible on the compass.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the VR ship cockpit handles to flash in non-VR.
  • Fixed an issue where the orientation of the spaceship was incorrect after reloading.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the player to erroneously move when using third-party Xbox controllers.
  • It was prevented that the option “Initialize” at the beginning of the game is no longer bound (and thus permanently blocked people).
  • Resolved an issue that reopened the bind request when you re-bind items to the selection button.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause the Terrain Manipulator material selector to open without being selected.
  • Fixed an issue with the Exocraft Customiser that caused the camera to be too close.
  • Fixed an issue that caused inventory stacks in inventory to be raised to their maximum size when warped in creative mode.
  • Fixed an issue where each ball on the Atlas Station was triggered after a wordstone was picked up.
  • Fixed an issue where planetary objects that had already been harvested reappeared while loading.
  • Fixed an issue where players were warned of extreme sentinels in creative mode.
  • Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das alle Schiffspiloten auf einem Außenposten oder einer Raumstation gleich aussahen.
  • Es wurde ein seltenes Problem behoben, das dazu führen konnte, dass neue Spiele außerhalb der Euklid-Galaxie gestartet wurden.
  • Ein Fehler in der Sammelanimation wurde behoben.
  • Es wurde ein Problem behoben, das dazu führen konnte, dass Beleuchtungseinstellungen von exotischen Planeten auf einem Frachter, einer Fregatte oder einer Raumstation vorhanden waren.
  • Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das Gebäudemarkierungen beim Betreten der Weltraumanomalie auf ein neues System übertragen wurden.
  • Es wurde ein Problem behoben, das dazu führen konnte, dass Raumschiffe gewaltsam an die Weltraumanomalie angedockt wurden, während sie frei im Weltraum herumflogen.
  • Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das Schiffe ohne Eingaben des Spielers in der Luft landen konnten.
  • Es wurde ein Problem behoben, das dazu führen konnte, dass Löcher im Gelände sichtbar wurden.
  • Es wurde ein Problem behoben, das dazu führen konnte, dass Spieler nach dem erneuten Laden eines Spielstandes an Bord einer Atlas-Station hängen blieben.
  • Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das eine Interaktionskamera in die Geometrie antiker Ruinen schneiden konnte.
  • Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das bei Missionsschritten, bei denen ein Portal durchlaufen wurde, kein Text angezeigt wurde.
  • Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das die Warnung “Niedrig stehend” ausgeblendet wurde, wenn versucht wurde, eine Mission des Missionsbrettes anzunehmen, für die Sie nicht berechtigt waren.
  • Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das beim Verwenden des Analyse-Visors große Popups mit Missionsdetails angezeigt wurden.
  • Es wurde ein Problem behoben, das Spieler daran hinderte, einen geschichtsträchtigen abgestürzten Frachter zu finden, wenn sie die Absturzstelle verließen.
  • Es wurde ein Problem behoben, das Spieler daran hinderte, geschichtskritische Portale zu finden, wenn sie das Portal im aktiven Zustand verließen.
  • Es wurden einige seltene Probleme behoben, bei denen Kernmissionen die nächste Mission nicht auslösten.
  • Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das Missionen mit spezialisierten NPCs nicht funktionieren konnten, wenn die NPCs auf einem Frachter platziert wurden.
  • Es wurde ein seltenes Problem behoben, bei dem Spieler den Hyperdrive-Entwurf nicht an der richtigen Stelle im Tutorial lernten.
  • Es wurde ein Problem behoben, das dazu führen konnte, dass Hinweise auf Planetendiagramme nach Verwendung eines Diagramms bestehen bleiben.
  • Es wurde ein Fehler behoben, der dazu führte, dass Missionstipps schnell abliefen, wenn der Gefahrenschutz zu Beginn des Spiels durch Betreten einer Höhle aufgeladen wurde.
  • Es wurde ein seltenes Problem behoben, bei dem einige Spieler mit sehr alten Spielständen das Rezept für die Bauforschungseinheit nie kannten.
  • Es wurde ein seltenes Problem behoben, das das Fortschreiten der Mission bei Artemis ‘abgestürztem Schiff blockieren konnte.
  • Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das der falsche Text angezeigt wurde, wenn sich ein Technikforscher für die Weltraumanomalie keine Blaupause leisten konnte.
  • Es wurde ein mysteriöser Text hinzugefügt.
  • Es wurde ein Problem behoben, bei dem die erste Atlas-Station in der Artemis-Geschichte einen falschen Text enthielt.
  • Die Meldungen, wenn das Raumschiff den Impulsantrieb nicht aktivieren kann, wurden verbessert, sodass sie informativer über den Grund sind.
  • In einer Vy’keen NPC-Interaktion wurde ein falscher Text korrigiert.
  • Es wurde ein Problem behoben, das zu Textüberschneidungen in der Vermessungsoberfläche führte.
  • Die Vielfalt der Namen und Anforderungen von beschädigten Objekten, die Inventarplätze in beschädigten Raumschiffen und Multi-Tools blockieren, wurde verbessert.
  • Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das die Meldung “Storm Clearing” nicht ausgelöst werden konnte.
  • Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das ungenaue Wachstumszeiten für Pflanzen in einem nicht mit Strom versorgten Pflanzgefäß aufgelistet wurden.
  • Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das die Anzahl der Elemente “Verfügbar für Build” in den Gebäudeteilinformationen inkonsistent oder falsch war.
  • Es wurde ein Problem behoben, das dazu führte, dass ein Audio-Trigger beim Öffnen von Türen der Weltraum-Anomalie zweimal abgespielt wurde.
  • Audio zu den Mineral- und Gasextraktoren hinzugefügt.
  • Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das Frachterkapitäne dachten, Spieler hätten ihren Frachter gekauft, nachdem der Kauf abgelehnt wurde.
  • Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das Forschungsfregatten unendliche System-Scans zuließen.
  • Es wurde ein Problem behoben, das verhinderte, dass das Upgrade der Fuel Oxidiser-Expedition die Expeditionszeit verkürzte.
  • Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das das Scrollen von Expeditions-Upgrade-Beschreibungen auf der Expeditionsdetailseite verhindert wurde.
  • Es wurde ein Problem behoben, das dazu führte, dass Schiffe im Besitz von Spielern nach dem Neuladen nicht an Bord ihres Frachters waren.
  • Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das die Technologie in Frachtern nicht korrekt installiert werden konnte, nachdem die Installation teilweise abgeschlossen war.
  • Es wurde ein Problem behoben, das verhinderte, dass neue Expeditionen gestartet wurden, obwohl freie Flotten-Terminals verfügbar waren.
  • Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das C-Klasse-Fregatten häufiger als beabsichtigt beschädigt wurden.
  • Es wurde ein seltenes Problem behoben, durch das Schadensdetails beim Anzeigen der Expeditionsergebnisse nicht richtig angezeigt wurden.
  • Es wurde ein Problem behoben, das beim Verlassen des Raumschiffs auf eine Fregatte zu Problemen beim Speichern führte.
  • Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das Expeditionskommandeure nach ihrer Rückkehr vom Frachterbügel unsichtbar wurden.
  • Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das diplomatische Fregatten die falsche Belohnung gaben.
  • Es wurde ein Problem behoben, das dazu führen konnte, dass Spieler nach dem Start einer Expedition in der Interaktion mit dem Frachter Navigator stecken blieben.
  • Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das der Frachterbügel unsichtbar wurde, während Operationen auf dem Raumschiff innerhalb der Frachterbasis ausgeführt wurden.
  • Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das der Raumschiff-Hyperantriebsbereich zum Zeichnen von Hyperantriebsrouten für Frachter verwendet wurde.
  • Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das Frachter erscheinen konnten, aber nicht sichtbar waren.
  • Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das Platzhaltertext in der Benutzeroberfläche für die Übertragung von Elementen an einen Frachter angezeigt wurde.
  • Es wurde ein Problem behoben, das dazu führte, dass die Brücke / der Aufhänger des Frachters beim Andocken falsch ein- und ausgeschaltet wurde.
  • Ein seltener Absturz im Inventarsystem wurde behoben.
  • Es wurde ein Problem behoben, das auf Vulkan-GPUs zu einem Speicherausfall führen konnte.
  • Ein Absturz im Xbox-Netzwerksystem wurde behoben.
  • Ein Absturz im Wegpunktesystem wurde behoben.
  • Es wurde ein Absturz behoben, der bei der Interaktion mit den Frachtcontainern eines anderen Spielers auftreten konnte.
  • Ein seltener Absturz im Projektilsystem wurde behoben.

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