CD Projekt Red’s exceptional spin- off role-playing game can now be used the go. Initially launched on October 23, 2018 for PC (and after that later on that year on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One), Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales informs the tale of Queen Meve, the queen of the Norther Realms of Lyria and Rivia, in a 30- plus hour adventure that mixes the liberty of expedition with Gwent’s turn-based card battles.
Game Informer offered Thronebreaker a review score of 8.5 out of 10, and called it “a great alternative for fans of Gwent who’d rather not dive into the multiplayer arena.” We went on to state that it holds true to the strong characters and difficult choices that the Witcher series is understood for. You can get a great rundown of what Thronebreaker needs to provide in the trailer below:
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