Home World US Hepatitis A alarm for thousands of Starbucks customers

Hepatitis A alarm for thousands of Starbucks customers

Health officials in Camden County, New Jersey is touting people get vaccinated against Hepatitis A after a Starbucks employee tested positive for the virus. thousands of customers may have been infected.

The county health department reported this last week that a food worker employed in a Starbucks restaurant in Gloucester Township was working for some time while it is infectious. People who there were on corresponding dates are encouraged to get vaccinated “out of an abundance of attention,” and the department offers free shots.

“Our highest the priority is to guarantee everyone involved remains safe and sound “, This was stated by health officer Paschal Nwako. “We encourage anyone who they may believe they were exposed to get vaccinated against hepatitis.”

Viral disease is more prevalent in places with poor hygiene as it spreads through contaminated food and water with I did. The store in the application was inspected after his employee tested positive and there were no violations foundthe department said.

The employee And currently he doesn’t work at Starbucks, the statement said. His close contacts have been identified. The store it remained closed until all its workers were vaccinated.

During six shifts that the infected worker did in November, 4,000 people may have visited Starbucks, county officials estimated. Camden County spokesman Dan Keeshan said the media him and his 8-year-old daughter were among the-risk group. He went to get his jab and “In the end I feel good” He said.

People who they are infected with Hepatitis A can be asymptomatic or have mild symptoms like persistent fever, nausea and vomiting for few weeks. But in some severe cases, it can last for months and cause liver failure. Immunization is effective in prevent infections, while no specific treatment for the virus is available.

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