"His age prevented paramedics from believing in his condition"A man has an embarrassing stroke!

Chris Johnson, a “healthy” 28-year-old man, was alone in his apartment getting ready for work one morning when he suddenly lost sight in his right eye and lost sensation on the same side of his body.

Calling for an ambulance, Chris Johnson from Stockport, Greater Manchester, was terrified as he waited for paramedics to arrive. Recalling the event, Chris said: “In an instant, I lost sensation in the right side of my body, and the vision in my right eye was reduced to wide colored spots. I managed to call an ambulance, but by the time I arrived, I could hardly speak and could not describe what had happened. The paramedic said that it could not be a stroke, because. only 28″.

However, when he arrived at the Royal London Hospital, a scan showed that he had indeed suffered a stroke.

More precisely, there was a hole in the heart of the young lawyer, which he had not known about before. The clot traveled through a hole between the sides of Chris’ heart and blocked a blood vessel in his brain.

For a week, Chris was sent to the emergency room for a stroke at the Royal London Hospital.

“The stroke was due to a hole in my heart that had to be closed surgically,” he told the Manchester Evening News.

Prior to this ordeal, Chris had described himself as “fit and healthy”; He was “totally unaware” that there was a hole in his heart.

Symptoms in Stroke Patients

• Face – the face is tilted to one side, the person may not be smiling, the mouth or eyes are downcast.

• Arms. A person may be unable to raise both arms due to weakness or numbness in one arm.

• speech – their speech may be slurred or distorted, or the person may not speak at all, even if they appear to be awake; He may also have trouble understanding what you are saying to him.

“Even if the symptoms disappear while waiting for an ambulance, it is still important to go to the hospital for examination,” the NHS added.

A stroke can also lead to various symptoms such as:

• Complete paralysis of one side of the body.

• Sudden loss of vision or blurred vision.

• dizziness.

• confusion.

• Difficulty understanding what others are saying.

• Problems with balance and coordination.

• Difficulty swallowing (dysphagia).

• Sudden and severe headache that results in severe pain that is not like it was before.

• Unconscious state.

Source: Express

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