More than 1,000 US troops to deploy for Africa

More than 1,000 US National Guard soldiers will do so soon be shipped in East Africa for a counter-terrorism mission, destined to shore up US bases dotting the region in half a series of in course combat and training operations.

The military announced the upcoming distribution in a declaration earlier this week, saying that more of 1,000 soldiers by the Kentucky and Virginia National Guards are in Preparation for a mission in Africa, the largest “Joint mobilization” for the VNG from World War II.

Dubbed “Task Force Red Dragon”, the troops will take part in the multiple of the Pentagononational counter-terrorism operation in the Horn of Africa, and they are “Trained and equipped to achieve a broad range of missions in all of the United States Africa Command area of responsibility,” the Guard said.

[Their] the primary goal is to provide security for the forward operating bases maintained by the Department of Defense a build partnership with host nations and improve safety and stability in the region.

The soldiers they should be sent to the continent sooner or later in in early 2022, according to a source from the Guard quoted from While the spokesman did not specify their destination, the joint US counter-terrorism mission in East Africa is based out of Camp Lemonnier of Djibouti, where about 3,400 Americans personnel I’m currently stationed. It is unclear whether the Guard soldiers will mark an increase in the general level of the troops, or replace the others already deployed.

The creation of the new task force comes despite Joe Biden’s administration votes for the wind down the sprawling war on Terror launched in the awakening of the 9/11 attacks, which saw the US military operations in more of a dozen countries. even if Biden made good on that of its predecessor plans withdraw troops from Afghanistan before this year, broad anti-terror operations continued in Middle East e in Africa. In a letter sent to Congress over the summer, the administration outlined its global military footprint, recognizing air strikes in course on various militant groups in East Africa and train and advise missions with local security forces elsewhere on the continent.

READ ALSO: The head of the Pentagon promises Arab allies that he will oppose Iran

Read More: World News

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