The Crew of Luffy in One Piece

In the popular series One Piece, the crew of the protagonist Luffy currently consists of four members: Roronoa Zoro, Nami, Usopp, and Sanji. However, traditionally, a pirate crew is much larger, and this will also be the case in the Netflix series adaptation.

One Piece

For those who are unfamiliar, One Piece started as a manga series and later became an anime. It is now being adapted into a live-action series on Netflix. While we generally know the main storyline, the creators may deviate from the source material in certain aspects. Therefore, we cannot say for certain who the new members of Luffy’s crew will be, although we can make some educated guesses, especially since there are hints dropped in season 1 of the live-action series.

Ship’s Doctor

Luffy’s crew is currently lacking a skilled doctor. Although the ship does have a chef, Sanji, it would greatly benefit from having a dedicated medical professional. Without giving away too much, there is a point in the series where Zoro sustains a serious injury, and the assistance of Chef Zeff (who is also a former pirate) is required to nurse him back to health. This situation is less than ideal…


In the original story, a character named Chopper becomes the next member of the Straw Hat Pirates crew. Chopper is a reindeer-like creature and serves as the ship’s doctor. While preparations have been made for Chopper’s introduction in the live-action series, we should approach this with caution. The character Chouchou, a prominent dog character in the manga and anime, has been omitted from the series, possibly due to the CGI requirements. And the same level of CGI is needed for a reindeer!

Nico Robin

Season 1 of One Piece on Netflix drops hints about the introduction of Baroque Works, a criminal syndicate that will play a role in season 2. This means we will soon meet Nico Robin, a member of this group. Later in the story, Nico will join Luffy’s crew, but it will take some time for that to happen.


In One Piece on Netflix, the name Jinbe is mentioned by a character named Arlong. Jinbe is known as the “Warlord of the Sea” and eventually joins the Straw Hat Pirates. However, this will happen much later in the story, so it serves as an Easter Egg for fans. But if the One Piece series continues for enough seasons, it is highly likely that this will come to pass.

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