Quarantines of women in Air toilet over positive for covid test

The American woman asked a flight attendant to lock her in the bathroom for 4 hours after taking the test during a transatlantic voyage

A Chicago teacher had to isolate himself in the toilet of an airplane for four hours over concerns for Health of travel companions, after a rapid coronavirus test he made mid-flight to Iceland turned around out positive.

Marisa Fotieo was flying in Europe for a holiday last week when she suddenly developed a sore throat somewhere above the Atlantic Ocean.

The teacher took travel seriously during the pandemic by carrying several kits test quick with her on the Icelandic ocean liner. She’s gone in bathroom and used one of them, finding out in a question of seconds that Covid-19 had.

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Fotieo quickly informed the flight attendant, who determined that there were not enough free places on the aircraft to adequately isolate it.

The woman told 13 On Your Side that she feared she might infect other passengers and asked if she could “just to remain in the bathroom for the rest of the flight.”

“I can’t believe I spent four hours in that bathroom, but you have to do what you have to do “, the teacher pointed out.

She posted a video from the bathroom, which she described as her “VIP Quarantine Quarter” on TikTok, getting several million views and praise from commentators.

In the clip, Fotieo didn’t seem too upset that her vacation had been ruined. He wore at least three masks and showed a victory sign to the camera.

After the plane has landed in Icelandic capital Reykjavik, the woman was put in the Humanitarian Hotel of the Red Cross, with his ten days of quarantine currently in progress. However, he said he was feeling fine and was planning to leave in few days.

Fotieo’s father And brother, who they were on the same flight, both tested negative for the virus and could continue their journey in Swiss.

Read More: World News

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