Stores use “psychology” to get people to buy . What’s going on?

Millions of consumers around the world are victims of marketing campaigns carried out by markets and stores, campaigns that push them to spend more than they plan when shopping, and push them to buy many things and products they do not need, but the a ‘ information most people don’t know is that many of these campaigns are being used in “Psychology” to market their products and push consumers to spend more.

An extensive report published by the site web global “The Conversion” and seen by “Al Arabiya Net” claimed that “retailers use the power of psychological persuasion to influence consumer decisions and help them give up their money.”

The report looked at some of the methods used by “supermarkets” to get people to spend more, including “frequently changing the location of things”.

If you go back, you must remember that you entered in a (supermarket) or in a grocery store to find that the store layout had changed, perhaps the toilet paper was no longer where you expected, or you were having a hard time finding tomato sauce.

He added: “Why do stores like to move everything? The answer is simple. Change the location of the products in a store means shoppers are exposed to different items as they wander around looking for things they really need, and this trick often escalates in unplanned expenses exponentially. As additional items are added to the cart, this rush often occurs when more time is spent in the store. “

According to the same report, studies show that up to 50% of products in grocery stores and supermarkets are sold out on impulse, and over 87% of shoppers make impulse purchases.

Although this impulse is complex and influenced by many factors, such as the need for excitement and lack of moderation, external buying cues, such as “buy one get one free” offers, discounts and promotions are known to in shop, play an important role.

And The Conversation reports that an attractive offer can lead to a temporary rush of euphoria, and that makes it difficult to make a rational purchase decision.

The report also notes that “pooling” is another technique used by retailers to stimulate “impulse buying” among shoppers.

The report explains this by saying that we often see that “complementary products are packaged together as a single product at a price, which often provides a significant discount, for example. console games are often sold with two or three games, or we find “supermarkets” and groceries. in English is called (Meal Deal), meaning several products offered together at a reduced price to motivate people to buy them together.

The report concludes that “while these strategies can help inflate retailers’ profits, they can also contribute to problems for their customers.”

“Impulsive shopping can affect a consumer’s mental health and increase feelings of shame and guilt, which in turn can lead to anxiety, stress and depression,” he adds.

It’s potentially even more dangerous when impulse buying leads to over-buying, especially if people are spending money they don’t have, such as buying from a credit card or taking in loan to cover these expenses.

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