Really transformational changes are some of the most difficult yet rewarding efforts that a leader can tackle. Here are some areas to consider when starting your transformations.
Image: MissTuni, Getty Images / iStockphoto
Opportunities to truly transform an organization are some of the most exciting challenges a leader can take on. Deploying innovative new technologies, supporting the launch of a new product or service, or even changing the strategic focus of the organization are rare opportunities.
They are also some of the most difficult attempts a leader can make, to the point that I have seen many executives embracing a transformational effort at launch, eventually becoming some of her strongest opponents. Here are three areas where transformational efforts can fail. If you are aware of these pitfalls and address them immediately, you can increase your chances of success in your own transformation efforts.
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Prepare for hard work
It may seem silly to say that transformations are difficult, but most organizations underestimate the challenges of truly transformational efforts. It is easy to be distracted by the lofty goals, exciting vision statements, opportunities to explore new technologies, and dream of a better future. To get there, however, sweat, tears, grit, determination and thousands of hard decisions are required. Consider for a moment that you are likely to ask fellow leaders to leave dozens of tools and tactics that have made them successful, and perhaps even to combat fundamental elements of your organization’s culture.
Avoid the temptation to focus solely on the positive and try to be realistic if you are surrounded by people who assume that a transformation will be a walk in the park. Whenever possible, investigate your company’s transformational efforts and use your network of colleagues at other companies to find out where they got into trouble. Consultants and suppliers can also help, but be careful because they may also have an interest in presenting difficult transformations so easily, assuming you will purchase their services.
Plan for cultural push-back
There is a misconception that people are afraid of change and the unknown. They are rather afraid of and resist actions that are not in their own interest. Without going deep into psychology, most living organisms are designed at a fundamental level for self-preservation. As leaders and employees in organizations, we generally act in the way that we think it will maintain our status, position and long-term employment opportunities. Without being explicitly mentioned, transformational efforts will, in most cases, affect all of these areas and often question the practices that leaders have built throughout their careers.
At line level, transformation efforts can threaten important principles of your company’s culture. These ‘cultural norms’ are probably not explained, but probably even more real and deeper than the ‘party line’ as laid down in mission statements or HR policy. For example, if your company has a culture that is proud of individual initiative, many people in the company may think they can ignore or resist a transformation effort because it goes against their individual instincts. Similarly, a culture that is proud of the history or ability of the organization to innovate may come across anything that is seen as “not invented here”, including most transformational efforts that require new thinking, tools, and techniques to successfully execute .
Try to link your transformational efforts to supporting aspects of your corporate culture. For example, a pride in innovation can be linked to the innovative aspects of your initiative. At least be aware of how your culture will help and hinder your efforts, and act to exploit the former and mitigate the latter.
Note shifting support
As transforming efforts progress, they often challenge the foundations of how the organization works and behaves. This can quickly turn allies into enemies, and vice versa, often without the players making a conscious decision that they have changed their level of support for the effort. The executive sponsor who started the effort with wild zeal can shift to actively resisting the effort as soon as she realizes that it is removing a significant stream of income from her area or reducing her stake in the transformed organization. Similarly, a skeptical colleague can ‘see the light’ once he realizes that transformation offers new opportunities and becomes an avid supporter. There is also the risk that a main sponsor goes on to the next interesting initiative and that you no longer have support at the top of the organization.
In all cases, regularly take the time to assess the key players in the organization and whether they are supportive, neutral or potential opponents. In some cases, shifting support can have a minimal impact on your broader success, while in other cases it can be a sign of imminent danger. It is intriguing that you may even be opposed to an effort that you have sponsored if it appears that the transformation will ultimately have a negative impact on your position and relevance in the organization.
Successful transformations are part of the business legend and in some cases even make up the annals of the business history and the career of individuals. Successful and rewarding transformations are not easy to implement; However, if you are aware of these three areas, you can increase your chances of success.
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