Earlier this week I published a video about a neat new service called Transo with which you can make a mind map with one click of your notes. By making that video and writing the corresponding blog post, I had to review a list of mind map tools that I had published a few months ago. Here is my updated list of mind mapping and flowcharts for creating.

Transno is a service with which you can write notes and overviews with just one click, which can then be converted into mind maps and flow charts. It reminds me of the old Text2MindMap service that I used to use. Transno is better because it offers a variety of styles for mind maps and flow charts, while Text2MindMap only offered one. Transno also supports collaboration by allowing you to invite others to edit and add your notes. In the following video I show how Transno works.

[Embed] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9I_16w0Pz4Q [/ embed]

Canvas from Google
Canvas is a new drawing program from Google. Canvas is a great alternative to Google Drawings for iPad and Android tablet users. With Canvas, anyone can make a drawing in his or her web browser by simply going to Canvas.apps.chrome. Once there you can start drawing on a blank canvas. There are four drawing tools that you can use to draw in a wide range of colors. View my video enclosed below to see Canvas in action.

[Embed] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BjQ56KCyLlU [/ embed]

Google Presentations & PowerPoint
If your students have a computer in front of them, they probably have access to Google Presentations or PowerPoint or both. Google Presentations and PowerPoint have built-in tools that students can use to create flow charts. The following videos show how students can use Google Presentations and PowerPoint to create flow charts. As you will see in the videos, you can make the flow charts interactive through links in PowerPoint and Google Presentations.

[Embed] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8TY0rQI460 [/ embed]

[Embed] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7jPby8msis [/ embed]

Bubbl.us is a mind mapping and flow chart tool that I have been recommending for over ten years. It has evolved over time to keep up with the needs of students, teachers and other users. Creating mind maps on Bubbl.us is a simple process by simply clicking on the center of your screen and then entering the central topic of your mind map. The next step is to add “underlying” topics or bubbles that are linked to the central topic. These are added by clicking on the “+” that appears while holding your cursor over an existing bubble.

[Embed] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYb1ug8U_Ds [/ embed]

Padlet offers templates for creating flow charts and for getting to know, wanting and learning graphs. Unfortunately, you can only create three Padlet walls before you have to remove one to create a new one or upgrade to a paid plan. The advantage of using Padlet is that it is designed for collaboration.

[Embed] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h906QKaphB4 [/ embed]

This is a mind mapping tool that was a commercial project for a few years before it went bankrupt and then returned as an open source project supported by Tobias Løfgren. The way it works is that you type a linear outline and Text2MindMap automatically generates a corresponding mind map. To use it, go here, delete the existing text and replace it with your own. Every line that you type in your outline becomes a node in the mind map. You can make a branch of a knot by simply indenting a line in your perimeter.

Post-it app for Android and iOS
With the Post-it mobile apps for Android and iOS you can take a photo of physical sticky notes and then sort them on a digital canvas. You can also save 10% on Post-it notes on Amazon if you use the code 10OFFCOLLEGE before 15 October.

[Embed] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mex6mJzbU7U [/ embed]

MindMup is a free mind mapping tool that can be used online, with Google Drive and on your desktop. MindMup works like most mind mapping tools, because you can create a central idea and add underlying and brothers and sisters on a blank canvas. MindMup nodes can contain text and links. When you are ready to save your MindMup mind map, you can save it on Google Drive, save it on your desktop or publish it online. If you publish it online, you can retrieve an embed code to place it in a blog post or web page.

Coggle is a collaborative mind mapping service that is very easy to use. To create a Coggle mind map, log in with your Google account and click on the “+” icon to start your mind map. After entering the main idea of ​​your mind map, you can add branches by clicking on the “+” icons that appear next to everything you type. To rearrange elements, click on them and drag them across your screen. Coggle is a tool for collaboration. You can invite others to view and edit your mind maps.

[Embed] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iL40u0uNYa8 [/ embed]

Google Drawings and Google Jamboard
Both free Google tools can be used to create mind maps and flow charts. Drawings has more functions than Jamboard. The advantage of Jamboard is that it is probably a more intuitive tool for new users. Demonstrations of the use of both tools are included below.

[Embed] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jfyZdSfCKSs [/ embed]

[Embed] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ycHZEKhdeGY [/ embed]

Spider Scribe is an online service for creating mind maps. Spider Scribe can be used individually or in conjunction. What jumps over Spider Scribe is that users can add images, maps, calendars, text notes, and uploaded text files to their mind maps. Users can connect the elements on their mindmaps or leave them on their own. You can embed your interactive SpiderScribe mindmap in your blog or website.

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