Learn how to edit text in iOS 13 and iPadOS 13.

Image: ALife / iStockphoto

With iOS 13 and iPadOS 13, Apple has changed the way you edit, select, copy, paste, and work with text in an app. The process can be faster and smoother, but it can be confusing if you are used to the old ways of editing text. Move your cursor across the screen, select specific text areas, cut or copy text, paste text and undo your last action are all different. Let’s go through the steps for every maneuver.

SEE: Apple iOS 13: a cheat sheet (download from TechRepublic)

First make sure you use iOS 13.1 or higher on your iPhone or iPadOS 13.1 on your iPad. Go to Settings and select General. Tap the Software update setting. You will be informed that your software is up-to-date, or you will be asked to download and install the latest version (Figure A).

Figure A

How to move your text cursor

The new versions of iOS and iPadOS offer different ways to move your text cursor or insertion point across the screen. To position the cursor, tap in the area where you want it to appear. To move your cursor, tap and hold it lightly and move your finger across the screen. As you move your finger, the magnifying glass floats over your text. Release your finger when your cursor is at the desired location.

Here is an alternative method that works with older versions of iOS and still works with the new versions. Press the keyboard with one finger on an iPhone with 3D Touch and with two fingers on each iPad. Then move your finger or fingers across the screen to position the cursor (Figure B).

Figure B

How to select text

You can select text in different ways depending on how much you need to select. Double tap one word on it. To select an entire sentence, tap anywhere in the sentence three times. And for a paragraph, tap four times (Figure C).

Figure C

Another way to select a single word is to press it; you can then drag the selection handles at the beginning and end if you want to expand or reduce the selection. Yet another option is to tap twice on the same spot and then move your finger to select the text that you want to include. Again, you can drag the handles to expand or reduce the selection (Figure D).

Figure D

Cut or copy text

Cutting or copying text is relatively easy. Once you have selected text, the standard Edit menu appears automatically. Tap the Cut or Copy command, depending on which one you want to use. A new way to cut or copy is to pinch your fingers. Pinch three fingers somewhere in the selection to copy selected text. The word Copy should then flash at the top of the screen. Pinch two fingers in succession twice in succession to cut selected text. The word Cut should then appear at the top (Figure E).

Figure E

How to paste text

You can paste cut or copied text in different ways. Move your cursor to the area where you want to paste, then tap on that location and the Edit menu appears. Tap the Paste command or tap anywhere with three fingers and a variation from the Edit menu appears. Tap the Paste icon. A third option is to wipe three fingers apart. If that works, the word Paste will flash at the top of the screen. In all three cases, your pasted text should appear (Figure F).

Figure F

How to undo your last action

We all make mistakes, especially when we have to learn new gestures and assignments for working with text. If you perform the wrong move or make a mistake in a text-based app, you can undo your last action. To do this, tap anywhere on the screen with three fingers to call up the new Edit menu and tap the Undo icon. You can also swipe three fingers to the left of the screen. The word Undo should appear at the top while your last action was undone (Figure G).

Figure G

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