If you are concerned about the security of your code in the Docker Hub, you may want to enable two-factor authentication.
How to enable 2FA for Docker Hub
If you are concerned about the security of your code in the Docker Hub, you may want to enable two-factor authentication.
Although two-factor authentication (2FA) is not a perfect security solution, it is certainly better than just using a password to protect your accounts. This is especially important when you work with those accounts on the go. You never know who “listens” to your data packages.
Another service has been added to the list of people who offer 2FA. This service is Docker Hub. The images that you have worked on for hours, days, weeks, months and years are in that account and the last thing you want is for a third party to have unrestricted access to your work. 2FA can help protect that work and I want to show you how to enable this for your account.
SEE: VPN usage policy (TechRepublic Premium)
What you need
The only things you need to make this work are:
How to enable 2FA
Log in to your Docker Hub account and then click on the profile icon in the top right corner. Click Settings in the drop-down menu. In the resulting window, click on the security list in the left sidebar (Figure A).
Figure A
In the resulting window, click Enable Two-Factor Authentication (Figure B).
Figure B
Enable 2FA in Docker Hub.
You must then choose whether you want to set 2FA using a text message or an authentication app (Figure C). Click Set up with an app.
Figure C
In the following window it is recommended to download, print or copy your recovery codes. Do this and click on Next. You will then see a QR code. Open your authentication app and tap to add the new account. Scan the QR code and enter the six-digit code.
And that’s it. You have enabled 2FA for your Docker Hub account. Every time you want to log in to your account, you must enter a new six-digit access code from your authentication app.
Remember that it is important to keep those recovery codes stored and protected. Do not lose them or fall into the wrong hands, otherwise you can close your account or someone will get access to the code in it. You may also want to add a fallback SMS number from the 2FA Settings window so that you can gain access even if you have lost your recovery codes or if you cannot access your primary number.
Congratulations on adding another security layer to your Docker Hub account.
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