KubeCon emphasizes an enormous growth in the acceptance of Kubernetes

Do you want to make your Kubernetes life a little easier? Try adding the Helm application manager.

Image: iStockphoto / 123dartist

If you are a Kubernetes administrator, chances are that you will need as many tools as possible. One such tool that can make the life of your container deployment a little easier is an application manager. You want to look at Helm for that task.

Helm is a tool that streamlines the installation and management of Kubernetes applications. For Kubernetes, a helmet is apt for Debian and Ubuntu. Helmet consists of two parts:

  • Customer – stir

  • Server – tiller

Helm runs on the server on which Kubernetes is hosted and Tiller runs in the Kubernetes cluster.

I’m going to guide you through the installation of Helm on an existing Kubernetes cluster (running on Ubuntu Server 18.04).

SEE: Serverless computer use: a guide for IT leaders (TechRepublic Premium)

What you need

All you need for this to work is:

  • A Kubernetes cluster

  • A user with sudo access

For more information about implementing a Kubernetes cluster on Ubuntu, see
How to implement a Kubernetes cluster on the Ubuntu server

Note: It is imperative that you use the cluster, otherwise Helm will not work.

How to install Helmet

The installation of Helm is actually quite easy. Register with your Kubernetes master and download the required .tar file with the command:

wget https://get.helm.sh/helm-v3.0.2-linux-amd64.tar.gz

If your architecture is not an amd64, then download the correct version from the Helm release page.

Once the file has been downloaded, extract it with the command:

tar xvf helmet-v3.0.2-linux-amd64.tar.gz

Finally, move the executable file to the correct location with the command:

sudo mv linux-amd64 / helmet / usr / local / bin /

Run the command to check if the installation has worked:

steering version

How to add a chart repository

With Helmet installed, you must now add a map repository. Let us add the official Helm stable diagrams. This can be done with the command:

add helmet repo stable https://kubernetes-charts.storage.googleapis.com/

Once that command is complete, Helm will report that “stable” has been added (Figure A).

Figure A

The official Helm stable charts have been added.

You can now display all installable graphs with the command:

stir search repo stable

How to install a graph

Let’s install one of the Stable charts. Before you do that, make sure everything is updated with the command:

helmet repo update

Once everything is updated, we install the Prometheus chart with the command:

steering system stable / prometheus –generation-name

The output of the command gives you all the necessary instructions for access to the card that you have just installed.

And that’s it. You have now installed Helm, added the stable charts and installed an application map. Read the official documentation for more information about using Helm. Happy to help!

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