Need some ideas for a classroom blog? Try these edublogs sources

For years, Edublogs has hosted a list of active class blogs. The purpose of the list is to give teachers a place to find examples of blogs in the classroom and possibly find blogging friends for their students. Anyone who has an active class blog can add his blog to the list, regardless of whether the blog is on the Edublogs platform. Edublogs recently published the updated version of the list, so see if anything inspires you to blog with your students.

Edublogs also offers a list of fifty blog post ideas for students. To say that the list has 50 clues is a little misleading, but misleading in a good way. Buried in the list of clues are links to additional sources for writing clues, including this New York Times list of more than 1,000 writing questions. Between the 50 prompts that Edublogs gives and the extra links, you have enough things for your students to blog about for the rest of the year. Click here to view the 50 Edublogs Blog ideas for students. You can even download the list here as a PDF.

And here is my list of five things you can do to improve your blog.

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