Every year C-SPAN organizes an educational conference and a summer fellowship program. A friend of mine was selected for the conference a few years ago and he said it was a great experience! Both the fellowship program and the conference are held at the C-SPAN headquarters in Washington D.C.
The Summer Fellowship program of C-SPAN is now open for applications. Those admitted to the program will spend four weeks in July in Washington D.C. with the C-SPAN education team. Participants receive an allowance of $ 7,000 for their participation in the program. More details about the summer fellowship program are available here. Applications must be submitted by 13 March 2020 at the latest.
The Summer Educators’ Conference of C-SPAN is being held on 27 and 28 July for high school teachers and on 30 and 31 July for high school teachers. Those who are allowed to participate will be paid travel and meal expenses by C-SPAN. Requests for the summer conferences will be available in January. Bookmark this page and check it in January to get the application.