Tire sensors will get smarter and give drivers more useful information as electric vehicles (EVs) become more common, according to experts in the field.

Yagil Tzur, Vice President of Product at Israeli tech start-up Tactile Mobility, says that safe tire wear rates are more important for EVs because they are larger and have more torque than gas-powered cars.

Large tire companies are working on new sensors and products that will help tires last longer, let drivers know ahead of time when they need to be serviced or replaced, and eventually lower the risk of flat tires and longer stopping distances.

Continental, for instance, has made smart sensors that can do more than just check tire pressure.

These sensors can also measure temperature and find holes in the tire.

In the same way, Goodyear has teamed up with Gatik, a company that makes self-driving trucks, to figure out how slippery the road is and give real-time information to systems that drive themselves. Bridgestone made the R192E tire for electric bus use.

It can carry more weight and has less rolling resistance than regular tires.

Tire companies are also working on sensors that will track different streams of data about how well the tires are working and offer health services that add value to related apps.

Tactile Mobility is making virtual sensor software that can use data from real sensors to make algorithms that can tell how healthy a tire is.

Their Tire Health Monitoring system can give you a full picture of your tires’ health by keeping an eye on things like wear, grip, hardness, wheel balance, and more.

In the long run, the company thinks that its system will make tires work better.

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