The just-released ‘the Dirty Truth’ report from antibacterial LED tech makers Vital Vio discovered that the average smartphone is regularly exposed to strep, E. coli and fecal staph strains.
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A new report makes a macro shot of the microscopic but abundant bacteria on the technical devices that we cannot release, and the results are disgusting.
Although one in four people reveal that they have never destroyed their smartphones, a shocking 88% use them while on the toilet, and 46% do it every time. Vital Vio, makers of antibacterial LED technology, shed a light on what is actually on the surface of our mobile phones, no matter how clean they look. When their hands are full, 41% of respondents admit that they have kept their phones in their mouths.
And a shockingly high percentage (89%) of people take the same phone while they poop, into the kitchen while they prepare meals.
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Simply dirty
We are disgusted and we create simple possibilities for devices to harbor harmful bacteria that end up in our hands and in our mouths. “The Dirty Truth,” in addition to discovering how only one in five (20%) has never cleaned the TV remote control, reveals exactly what was found on the average person’s smartphone. The average smartphone is regularly exposed to strep, E. coli and staph strains that contain fecal matter.
The survey surveyed 1,200 US residents who were over 18 years old and had them share the nitty gritty of their daily cleaning habits (spoiler alert: not enough is happening).
“Cleaning habits” of Americans
“We create antimicrobial LED lighting technology that continuously protects surfaces from the build-up of bacteria, surfaces in places such as homes, hospitals, public places and industrial factories such as food processing,” said Colleen Costello, CEO of Vital Vio. “We have commissioned this study to uncover Americans’ cleansing habits that can threaten all of us, our families and communities through dangerous bacteria. In fact, with the recently released 2019 CDC report focused on the emergence of antibiotic-resistant super-bacteria, it is more urgent than ever to be fully aware of the potential damage our personal hygiene and cleaning methods can have to ourselves and the people around us. ”
And what is more “high-touch” than our trusted smartphones? The research has shown that smartphones can pose the greatest risk when it comes to spreading diseases. “Americans take their phones to germ-infested areas such as the bathroom, and then proceed to put these devices in their mouths when their hands are full or they handle them during cooking, without cleaning them first,” Costello said. “Simply put, we make it easier than ever for bacteria found, for example on the toilet seat, to touch our lips. It is important that Americans are more aware and take the necessary steps to ensure that they are smart about their phones to avoid affecting their health. ”
Bacteria everywhere
“Our findings show that every time we touch items in our homes, travel or use our mobile devices, we come into contact with new and potentially harmful forms of bacteria,” Costello revealed. “This is partly due to the fact that half of Americans (52%) do not clean surfaces in their homes unless those surfaces are visibly dirty. Because of our neglect of these germ-like surfaces, diseases can be easily shared and spread unnoticed for the human eye. ”
Smartphones, she noted, “have become a mainstay and lifeline for so many things in our lives,” and although it is not intentional, most Americans have innocently turned their dependence into a handheld germ bomb. “Our dependence on these devices can be an important reason for the unnecessary spread of diseases,” added Costello. “Unfortunately, I believe that the vast majority of Americans are simply unaware of the risks associated with picking up and spreading harmful bacteria through their cell phones.”
Keep it clean
But it does not mean that you have to throw your faithful smartphone. Costello advised: “To keep smartphones clean, it is very important that Americans take the time to clean up their devices regularly and completely. Regular wiping is crucial for killing bacteria that inevitably exist and colonize on these devices. Consumers are proactive in their approach to preventing bacteria from ever coming into contact with their smartphones. This means that they do not end up in bacteria-sensitive areas, such as the bathroom. ”
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