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The FBI warns of tall risk for online holiday buyers

The FBI urged people be careful during online holiday shopping, as they expect an increasing number of scam this year due to the alleged shortage of goods and the pandemic.

The FBI Internet Crime Complaint Center received over 17,000 complaints for non-delivery during the holiday season in 2020, worth a total lost of 53 million dollars. This year the number could be even higher, due to presumed scarcity of commodity and the pandemic in course.

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According to the Bureau, tactics to lure online buyers include discounts that seem too much good to be true, how to offer hard-to find items and unrealistic discounts, as well as social media post they seem like have been shared by someone you know. this can result in money losses, identity theft, And stolen financial information via phishing e web skimming attacks.

FBI Tuesday also warned the online shopping public on branded phishing emails that they can lead to stolen user credentials, payment details and other personal data information. Of the brands that are used for these phishing emails, almost half to appear like Microsoft (45%), followed by DHL (26%), Amazon (11%), BestBuy (4%) and Google (3%), according to a report from Check Point Software for April, May and June 2021.

The total number of identity theft relationships in 2020 was 1.4 million, twice how much in 2019, according to the United States Federal Trade Commission (FTC) prior to this year.

The FBI has encouraged constant vigilance and shared tips on how to protect yourself from online shopping scams. These tips include caution of sellers who only accepts virtual currency, never using public Wi-Fi for buy things, and if a bargain sounds mashed potato good to be true, it is likely to be a scam.

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