Home World US The suspect in the Christmas parade massacre feels “demonized” afterwards attack

The suspect in the Christmas parade massacre feels “demonized” afterwards attack

The suspect behind last Waukesha Christmas Parade Massacre of the Month, which killed six people and wounded 62 more, said he felt “dehumanized” and “demonized” in the aftermath of the attack.

39-year-old Darrell Brooks Jr. – a registered sex offender with a long history of arrests – it was in jail for ten days as the prime suspect behind the deadly November attack. Speaking to Fox News on Wednesday, he said he hears it “Dehumanized” from coverage of the case.

“I just Touch like I am monster – demonized, “ Brooks told two Fox News reporters, who reportedly first visitors he had received in jail from his arrest.

TO KNOW MORE: CNN insists “on” car’ killed six people at the Wisconsin Christmas Parade

He also said the news network that his too mother he hadn’t visited since he allegedly drove his car in in the crowd of Participants in the Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin on November 21.

Brooks’ mother, Dawn Woods, blamed a shortcoming of mental health resources for the attack in a letter on Wednesday, claiming it son “Was not given the help and the resources he needed “.

Brooks has a vast criminal record and had been arrested less than a month before attack for punches and running over a woman with the same car that he was used to hit participants in the parade. It was released on a $ 1,000 security deposit not long before the parade attack.

Brooks was charged with six counts of first-level murder and it is required on a $ 5 million bond.

Read More: World News

Source RT News.

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