Home World US The United States produces first upgraded nuclear gravity bomb

The United States produces first upgraded nuclear gravity bomb

The United States completed the “first Productive unit” of its modernized B61-12 gravity nuclear bomb, set to replace the current aging models of the iconic B61, which remained in service for more 50 years old.

The completion of the enhanced variable yield nuclear bomb was announced by the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) on Thursday. The “first Productive unit” (FPU) was put together on November 23, paving of way for mass production of the modernized bomb, scheduled for begin in May 2022.

“With this program, we are delivering to system to the Department of Defense that improves accuracy and reduces yield with no changes in military features, while also improving safety, safety and reliability “, Department of This was stated by the undersecretary of energy and administrator of the NNSA Jill Hruby.

Modernization effectively transforms the free-fall bomb in an adjustable ammunition, since the new Here come the B61-12 with a guided tail kit provided by Boeing. The kit gives the bomb some ability to maneuver in half air instead of simply by falling to the ground.

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The arrival of the first B61-12 is over a year late, such as modernization program, with an esteemed one cost of about $ 12 billion, have had problems with components of the capacitor in late 2019. So, the NNSA found that the capacitors, used in both the B61-12 and the Navy’s W88 Alteration 370 warhead for missiles launched from submarines, could not meet the military’S specifications.

The new version of the iconic bomb is set to replace B61-3, 4 and 7 models currently in US nuclear stocks. The only variant a remain in use alongside the B61-12 is the B61-11, a relatively modern modification against bunkers of the bomb.

The United States is expected to produce about 480 B61-12 bombs, according to Federation estimates of American Scientists (FAS), a Washington-based non-profit organization. The bomb is believed to have a variable yield ranging from 0.3 to 50 kilotons, making it a flexible weapon that can be used both for tactical and strategic purposes.

In comparison, the first nuclear bomb never used by the United States, which was dropped on the Japanese city of Hiroshima, he had a yield of about 15 kilotons.

Read More: World News

Source RT News.

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