The world needs to invest $ 3 trillion to meet future oil demand

In an interview with Al-Arabiya, Nayef Al-Dandani, researcher in energy strategies, he cited global estimates that suggest investments of about $ 3 trillion are needed to meet future oil demand.

Al-Dandani said that the slowdown in energy investments, in particularly in the oil and gas sectors, it started in 2019 and we lost 35 in 2020.

He pointed to the “extreme scenario, according to the latest studies, which indicates a 40% loss of world oil demand by 2050”.

He added that this scenario “requires oil reserves of 315 billion barrels and, according to this scenario, we will need 121 billion barrels by 2050 to meet the alleged 40% decline, and this reflects the need for investment of 3 trillion. dollars “.

Believes the world has not benefited from the lessons of crises, even current ones, such as the recent wave of hurricanes in the United States and the crisis of rising gas prices in Europe.

He mentioned the need to reconsider the policies affecting investments in the energy sector, including environmental policies and policies for the adoption of renewable energies, which affect all countries of the world.

He warned that policy failure to meet energy security targets will have consequences if we rush to rely on alternative energies that do not constitute a burden in the global energy mix, and thus “we will find ourselves like a ship hitting an iceberg in the light. of the urgent need for all sources of energy, without exception. “

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