WATCH: Mayor dancing and shopping for Biden’s infringement mask

The Mayor of San Francisco London Breed is facing a backlash after being filmed dancing carefree and without a mask in a club despite the city mandate. US President Joe Biden is meanwhile facing its the same public- disguised criticisms.

Video of Race, reportedly this week, shows Mayor in a crowd, dancing and singing, apparently aware of being filmed.

Breed formerly found itself attracting similar negative attention in September, when a video showed her dancing to a jazz club without mask. He rejected advertising that attracted as a “distraction.”

The official has since been criticized online for these violations. San Francisco has a strict masking mandate that applies to both unvaccinated and vaccinated individuals as well one And required disguise unless one is actively eating or drinking. Mayor latest the carefree video in nightclub was deemed particularly inappropriate in light of the city having faced a wave of robberies in in recent weeks, forcing numerous companies to close their own stores or limit them hours.

by President Biden public- the masking habits they have also garnered criticism. It was photographed this weekend in a store on the island of Nantucket holding a mask mandate with his face covering her neck.

The photos swept via social media on Sunday, and include one of President in feet without mask behind a great sign on the door of the establishment warning what masks they are required and with graphics of someone in disguise.

Read More: World News

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