we military force with the worst vaccination against Covid-19 rate so far revealed

The marines are on course to be the least vaccinated in the US military branch. Data just released shows That up 10,000 Marines are ready to miss the deadline to receive the Covid-19 blow.

As the November 28 deadline approaches, around 91% of the 181,000-strong force have been fully vaccinated, Reuters reported, citing a put statement out by the Marine Corps on Sunday.

About 94% have been partially vaccinated, and while there is a chance that some of the vaccinated in delay will be considered fully vaccinated by Sunday’s deadline, it seems many will not. The Washington Post reported That “up to 10,000 active-duty Marines “ it will probably re-enter in questlast category.

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punishments set for    American troops who refuse vaccination

punishments set for American troops who refuse vaccination

This means the vaccination of the Marines rate And in delay behind those of the other military branches. The Marina boasts the highest rate, with 96.7% of active-duty fully vaccinated service members. The Air Force is not far away behind (96.4%). The army, with its deadline set for December 15, ha already reported a 92% vaccination rate for active-duty personnel, according to Reuters, citing an army spokesperson, and about 95% of its members have been partially vaccinated.

It is not clear how many marines who are reluctant to receive the Covid vaccine seek exemptions if on medical, religious or administrative reasons. These latter exemptions refer to “Logistical considerations” and I’m designed be short-term.

The Marine Corps is running a commercial campaign to convince those who refuse the shot to comply.

Earlier this month, four-star General and Marine Corps Commander David H. Berger released a video with a personal appeal. “We need get you vaccinated, us need every single Marine in the unit to be vaccinated. We don’t have extra marines. We are a beautiful small force. we must do sure that all on the team it is ready to go all the time. This is our job “.

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Apparently the message has dropped on deaf ears, such as vaccination rate it has actually been the same since November 8, when the video was released, the Post noted. The Marine Corps in precedence She said that service members who refuse to be vaccinated without a valid reason want “To be tried” for administrative separation “ or started by force.

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