Gaming News

Modern Warfare 2 "Premium DLC" is Planted for Year 2

By Arthur

Oct 6, 2022

TheGhostOfHope, a Call of Duty leaker, stated earlier in September that Infinity Ward intended to incorporate nearly all of the maps from Modern Warfare 2 from 2009 into its most recent game for year 2.

Modern Warfare 2

Infinity Ward will also release a "best hits" map collection, including vintage levels from each Call of Duty developer, claims Hope.

Modern Warfare 2

We have independently confirmed that Infinity Ward's year two offering would include "premium DLC."

Modern Warfare 2

It is acknowledged that Activision would use the premium DLC offering to sustain its premium sales throughout 2023 and the first part of 2024.

Modern Warfare 2


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Additional Freelancer Information from Hitman 3
