Home Health Winter Dental Health: Tips from Dentist Louisa Avtandlian to Avoid Tooth Enamel...

Winter Dental Health: Tips from Dentist Louisa Avtandlian to Avoid Tooth Enamel Damage and Dental Diseases

Seasonal Health and Dental Care

As cold weather sets in, people often begin to feel unwell. Dentist Louisa Avtandlian emphasizes that with reduced immunity and worsening chronic diseases, dental health can also suffer.

Importance of Nutrition

According to Avtandlian, inadequate nutrition can weaken tooth enamel, making it more susceptible to harmful microorganisms and potential development of cavities. The transition between seasons can also lead to sensitivity in teeth, indicating a lack of calcium in the body.

Hygiene is Key

When suffering from a seasonal cold or viral infection, Avtandlian recommends replacing the toothbrush immediately after recovery to avoid it becoming a potential source of infection. Additionally, hot drinks should be avoided while out in the cold, and attention should be paid to a diet rich in beneficial substances, calcium, and vitamin D.

Protecting Tooth Enamel

To minimize risk to tooth enamel in the fall, Avtandlian advises against using strong whitening toothpaste and suggests opting for a mildly abrasive toothpaste with remineralizing properties instead.

Source: gazeta.ru


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