Conan Exiles Update 2.03: Overview of Fixes and Improvements

A new update for Conan Exiles, known as Update 2.03, has recently been released. This update is accessible across all gaming platforms, as well as on PC. Players can now download this update, which introduces bug fixes, improvement updates, and patch notes for the game. It is worth noting that the file size of this update may differ depending on the gaming platform being used.

General Fixes:

  • Potion of Midnight can now be crafted at a specific station near the Werehyena NPC who teaches the recipe.
  • Werehyena NPCs at event camps no longer offer the option to speak.
  • Followers will properly defend against Werehyena Ambush.
  • Bearer Thrall HP increased to original values.
  • Defensive Followers will now use weapons.
  • Players can no longer become invulnerable under specific circumstances.
  • Elephant attacks tweaked to prevent unintended rotation.
  • Fixed a Devolved Goblin attack that did no damage.
  • Thag’s attacks in the Wine Cellar can now be avoided.
  • Great-Axe attacks no longer go through Shields when blocked.
  • Equipping torches while mounted is now possible.
  • Enemies will enter the Dazed state when attacked before drawing their weapon.
  • Enemies no longer snap out of Dazed state during Fatality executions.
  • Increased pathing speed during Fatality Executions.
  • Thralls guarding a gate will no longer slide when the gate opens.
  • Resurrected Corpse inventory is now fixed and usable.
  • Resurrected Corpses can no longer be given armor.
  • Ballista camera stutter on Dedicated Servers fixed.
  • Patrons arriving at Taverns now face the proper direction.

Inventory Management Fixes:

  • Split Stack window reintroduced.
  • Quick-Split shortcut changed to Shift + Right Click.
  • Right Click now defaults to “Use.”
  • Last selected sorting filter in inventories will now be saved.
  • Crafting queue accessible with a controller.
  • Cursor highlight no longer jumps to crafting recipes when assigning a thrall.
  • Controller navigation improvements for crafting panels.
  • Fixed issues with disappearing cursor, menu updates, moving items, and item functionality.
  • Stats shown when hovering over items in hotbar radial menu.

Battle Pass & Bazaar Item Fixes:

  • Lost Dungeon Grate Hatch can now be opened and closed repeatedly.
  • Curved building pieces can now be placed on curved walls.
  • Various fixes for Poitain Knight Armor, caparisons, and saddles.
  • Building pieces use appropriate sound cues.
  • Dismantling Treasure Maps now yields materials used for crafting.
  • Yamatai Onsen Water Pump animation starts when interacting.
  • Arachnid Companion Supreme has increased health.
  • Fixed missing background in Battle Pass parallax artwork.

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