The GOP MP apologizes for jihad joke

United States Representative Lauren Boebert (R-Colorado) apologized for a joke portraying fellow Democrat Ilhan Omar (Minnesota) as a potential terrorist, saying he created an “unnecessary distraction”.

“I apologize to anyone in the Muslim community I was offended with my comment on the representative Omar, “ Boebert said on Friday in a Twitter post. “I’ve reached out to her office speak with her directly. There are in abundance of policy differences to focus on on without this useless distraction “.

Comments a issue – caught in a viral video that was posted on Thursday – came in a thank you holiday gathering with supporters, where Boebert joked about sharing an elevator with Omar at the United States Capitol. The congresswoman described a seemingly imaginary incident in that a police officer ran to the elevator and tried unsuccessfully to keep the door from closing.

“I look at mine left, and here she is, Ilhan Omar, “ Boebert said. “I said, well, he doesn’t have a backpack. We should Take care.” She added who then said to Omar, “Oh look, the Jihad Squad has decided to . show up for work today.”


TO KNOW MORE: Jihad Squad joke about Ilhan Omar kicks up a storm

The video moved online indignation and promoted calls for Boebert will be censored by Congress and stripped of his duties as a committee of the Chamber. Omar called Boebert a “fool” and said “Hateful and dangerous Muslim tropes” it cannot be allowed in Congress without condemnation.

Omar and Representative Rashida Tlaib (D-Michigan), the first Mussulman women elected in Congress, they are part of of a group of Progressive lawmakers known as “the team”. Tlaib said Boebert’s “Pathetic and racist lies” will put in danger Omar e cause more anti-Muslim hate crimes.

During a debate in the House earlier this month, Boebert referred to Omar as . “the Jihad team member of Minnesota “ and accused her of praise the terrorists.

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