The Power of Daily Meditation: What I Learned from Meditating 5 Minutes a Day for 30 Days

What I Learned from Meditating 5 Minutes a Day for 30 Days


In my search for ways to feel more present, I decided to commit to daily meditation for an entire month. This experience opened my eyes to how often we live in the past or the future, rather than focusing on the present moment. While meditation is not a new concept, the practice of “monk mode,” which involves mimicking the behaviors of monks, such as reducing phone use and dedicating time to meditate, has gained popularity, especially on platforms like TikTok.

The Growing Interest in Meditation

The increased interest in meditation and mindfulness indicates that more people are realizing the importance of their mental well-being, especially after the pandemic. Dominique Perkowski, a meditation coach and founder of The Shift, explains that people are seeking control over their minds and attention amidst the constant demands of social media, emails, and technology. They want to focus on what truly matters to them.

The Benefits of Meditation

Meditation offers various benefits, including stress reduction, decreased anxiety levels, improved sleep, and increased self-awareness. It can help individuals shift their thinking away from intense negative thoughts and move forward. According to Perkowski, consistency in meditation is more important than the length of each session.

My Personal Takeaways

During my 30-day meditation journey, practicing for at least five minutes each day, I discovered several significant insights:

1. Meditation Boosts Morning Energy

As someone who struggles to get out of bed, I found that meditating immediately after waking up made my mornings much smoother. Guided meditations, focusing on breathwork and visualization, provided me with more energy than usual at the start of my day. The mantras shared, such as “I am in control of the outcome of my day” or “Today can be a great day if I allow it to be,” boosted my confidence and empowered me to shape the course of my day.

2. Overcoming Negative Thoughts

Meditation helped me break free from negative thought patterns that would often linger throughout the day. When distressing memories from the past or future anxieties overwhelmed my mind, I turned to meditation. Daily practice taught me to surrender and accept what I couldn’t change. One guided meditation, focused on letting go of future worries, encouraged visualizing those concerns as clouds in the sky. Through deep breathing exercises, the meditation guided me to imagine the worries gradually dissipating, leaving my mind clearer and more serene.

3. Harnessing the Power of Positive Affirmations

While I had previously been skeptical of affirmations, I found myself gravitating towards meditations that incorporated positive affirmations during challenging or busy days. Hearing someone else affirm that I had the strength to overcome any adversity or face any challenge was truly empowering. Some affirmations that particularly resonated with me were:

  • “I am capable of handling anything that comes my way.”
  • “I have the power to create a positive day.”
  • “I am deserving of love, success, and happiness.”

This experience made me realize why therapists recommend starting the day with affirmations to uplift one’s mood and set a positive tone for the day. Perhaps, as Dominique Perkowski suggests, it’s time to view meditation as a part of our mental hygiene – like brushing our teeth for our mind. By practicing meditation for just 10 to 15 minutes each day, we can reconnect with ourselves and experience the countless benefits it offers.

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